By DiAnn Mills What’s stopping you from marketing your book? Indecision about the tools? Fear of failure or success? How to approach social media? Heard so many cons that you’re afraid? Now is the time to debunk the following 10 myths so you can be a marketing rock star. Myth #1: All I have to do is one thing: write …
The Book Review Conundrum
By Nora St. Laurent Authors want them because it helps sales and readers are not sure what to say in them so many don’t write them. Where do you find readers that will write reviews? We’ve heard of some creative ways authors have found new readers. They’ve thought outside the box. One author told us that she sold more books …
The Writing Marathon
By Mary Lou Cheatham Everyone has a unique story. Each author travels at a different pace along the writing journey. The joy of running along in the pack may not be as exciting as winning, but what a delight it is to be in the race. The process has its own rewards which some consider better than the thrill of …
Speaking to Book Clubs, Is It Worth Your Time?
By Nora St. Laurent Having run two book clubs, inside of a book store, and one that met on-line, I have witnessed the excitement felt by readers, firsthand when they can either meet with an author, or speak with them on an IP (Computer) call. The energy in the room is palpable and this becomes the reader’s version of meeting …
Why “Brand” Matters…Or Does it Really?
By Cynthia Herron As a writer, you’ve probably given some thought to your “brand.” (And if you haven’t, now’s the time!) “Brand” to an author is what water is to wildflowers. It quenches, sustains, and breathes life into an otherwise drab existence. For instance, in today’s world where we’re surrounded with a buffet of opportunity, I’m always intrigued by people’s …
Does Social Media Sell Books?
By DiAnn Mills Whenever I speak about the value of social media, writers groan, frown, and complain. Too many writers are not willing to get past the learning curve needed to develop their brand. My response is always a focus on a writer’s life requiring flexibility to learn craft, marketing, publishing, and branding. If a new technique in the writing …
When a Writer Has Only One Month to Promote
By DiAnn Mills What puts you behind in marketing and promotion your novel? Perhaps you’ve been hit with health problems, personal issues, unseen travel, or maybe you didn’t know how or when to pre-launch a book. Don’t despair! The following eight tips will help tie up the date with a big, green bow etched in dollar signs. Even if you …
Ten Tweet-worthy Ideas for Authors
by Christa Kinde When I meet writers who struggle with social media, it’s usually for lack of courage, consistency, or creativity. Fear not! You can do this. After all, writers are creative people. Twitter is my happy place–because I like to keep things short and sweet–so I thought I’d offer practical suggestions on what authors can tweet about. I’ve included …
Four Tips for Throwing a Fab Author Facebook Party
By Melissa Tagg I recently participated in one of the most fun author Facebook parties ever! Like, I was sick, people–we’re talking Kleenex, cough medicine and pajamas for days–and I still had a blast participating in the party. The event was made up of seven contemporary romance authors. We had an amazing turnout and a fabulous time. (And I can’t …
Every Author’s Headache
By Norma Gail Life gets harder once your book is published. I will admit I thought little beyond seeing my book on store shelves and waiting for the royalty checks. However, life after publication is nothing like I, or probably any other writer in the current day anticipated. Let’s face it, marketing and social media are every author’s headache. Traditionally …