by Melody Morrison Apparently, nearly everyone on the planet has some degree of ADHD or ADD. We have a society that requires it. The speed of life and volume of input is dizzying. Most of us never knew a name for it besides “scatter-brained” or disorganized or distractable. The good news discovered by educators rests in strategies. Categorizing, using planners, …
How To Find Your Audience by Honing Your Brand and Genre
by Donna Wichelman @DonnaWichelman In a November 4, 2020 blog post, Tyndale House Publishers CRAZY4FICTION TEAM asked, “What genre novel should you write?” To help readers hone in on their genre, they had to answer ten multiple-choice questions that narrowed their options to one. Interestingly enough, when I took the test, Tyndale House’s final answer to which genre I should …
Doing Big, Crazy Things
By Sara Davison Have you ever made the spontaneous decision to do something you know is crazy but that you also know is absolutely the right thing to do (but it’s still scary)? That’s how I felt a few weeks ago when I decided I was going to release a book, The Color of Sky and Stone, this November that …
Five Things I Learned from Launching a Book
By Felicia Ferguson @Felicia_writer 1: Marketing a book is more than hosting a launch party. From guest blogs, to book reviews, to social media posts and ads, the author must be 70% marketer and 30% writer. Yes, I know. Most of us writers didn’t major in PR or Marketing in college. If you’re like me, you have nightmares that book …
Mismatched in the Yoke
by E.V. Sparrow With all the social media ads, gurus, and writing organizations flashing their beacons before us every time we do searches on any platform, how do we choose which ones are good for us as authors? Instead of flashing neon words telling us things like, “Stop here, we promise you success, or we love all authors, and will …
Say It Loud, Say It Proud with Your Email Signature
By Jill K Willis You’re a writer! Don’t be shy. Brand yourself as one even if you’re pre-published. No, especially if you’re pre-published. Build credibility for your work while you work. An easy, inexpensive way to do this is with your email signature. Every time you send an email, add your special writer’s signature to it. This reinforces your chosen …
Six Tips for a Low-Stress Book Release Month
By Sarah Sundin Book releases can be the most exciting times! Seeing our books released into the wild is the fulfillment of our writerly dreams. But they can also be hectic and taxing. This week my thirteenth novel, When Twilight Breaks, releases. Here are a few tips for navigating your release month with grace—tips I’ve learned the hard way. Plan …
Lessons Learned about Promoting a Debut Novel
By Frank A. DiBianca So, after years of writing, revising, professionally editing, finalizing, and submitting manuscripts to agents or publishers, your book has finally been published. But unless you’ve been published by one of the big houses, the lion’s share of selling your book is going to fall squarely in your lap. Now comes the big question. How do you …
Why Should a Writer be Part of Goodreads?
By DiAnn Mills The biggest reason for a writer to jump onboard Goodreads is from their own words: “It’s the world’s largest site for readers and book recommendations.” I’m convinced this social media platform is essential to a novelist’s recognition by readers and publishers. Let’s unpack what that means: If I’m looking for a book to read, I can explore …
Self-Promotion: The Ugly, The Bad… and The Good?
By Michael Anthony Torres Thanks to Steve Laube for the questions that inspired this meditation. The increasing demand for self-promotion is arguably a by-product of the internet and the democratization of publicity. Surely, there are many more who could speak to this from more of an industry insider’s perspective; but when I was a young adult reader, I don’t recall …