Fingerprint of Worship

ACFWAdvice, Authors and writing, Encouragement, Faith, Fear/Doubt, Friends of ACFW, Prayer, tips, writing 8 Comments

by Jenny Erlingsson @jennyerlingsson I tiptoed up the stairs and closed the small bedroom door behind me. One hour. I had one hour to start working on the book that had been pulsing in my heart for a couple of years. It felt like a life message I needed to share, even if it was just for my family. I …

Doing Big, Crazy Things

ACFWAuthors and writing, Encouragement, Faith, Fear/Doubt, marketing, writing 3 Comments

By Sara Davison Have you ever made the spontaneous decision to do something you know is crazy but that you also know is absolutely the right thing to do (but it’s still scary)? That’s how I felt a few weeks ago when I decided I was going to release a book, The Color of Sky and Stone, this November that …

Step Outside You Comfort Zone and Write

ACFWAdvice, Authors and writing, Encouragement, Faith, Fear/Doubt, Friends of ACFW, writing Leave a Comment

by Terry Overton Listening to my Bible Study leader speak in our recent study of Rahab, the point was made very clear to me. God asked Rahab to step out of her comfort zone and do something she probably never thought she would do. He had selected Rahab to take in two spies and to lie to the authorities when …

Self-Deception is Easy when Comparing Yourself to Others

ACFWACFW, Advice, Authors and writing, Encouragement, Faith, Fear/Doubt, Independent Author, Publishing 2 Comments

If anyone thinks they are something when they are not, they deceive themselves. ~Galatians 6:3 NIV Well, that verse hit me between the eyes, literally. My phone slipped. I’ll let you use your imagination. That attempt at humor was necessary because the verse hit too close for comfort. Yes, that was a lame attempt at a pun. Being an independent …

Does Writing Scare You? Here’s One Thing You Can Do Today to Overcome Your Fear

ACFWAuthors and writing, Encouragement, Faith, Fear/Doubt, Friends of ACFW, writing 2 Comments

By Tammie Fickas Are there writing opportunities you regret not taking? How about dreams you’ve put aside? Do you ever wish your life was different? What’s holding you back from taking chances and fulfilling your God-given purpose? For me, the answer is fear and more questions. What if I fail? Or look like a fool? Sometimes I let the “what …

Step One to Publication: Overcome Your Fear

ACFWAuthors and writing, Encouragement, Fear/Doubt, Friends of ACFW, writing Leave a Comment

By Janette Melson Step one of publishing a novel might seem like a “duh”—write a novel first! You can’t publish something which doesn’t exist. However, you can garner the interest of agents and editors without a completed manuscript, as I did. So, what do I think the first step is? Overcome your fear of failure (or even success). As Wayne …

Combating the Solitary Life of Writers

ACFWACFW, Advice, Authors and writing, Encouragement, Fear/Doubt, Fellowship, Friends of ACFW, tips, writing Leave a Comment

By Tema Banner Writing is a solitary activity – as writers we have heard this and known it from the beginning of our journey. Outside influences provide the niggling of an idea that can not be displaced, and from this will grow a story that we hope and pray touches other hearts and lives, for the Glory of God and …

Want the Ball

ACFWAdvice, Authors and writing, Encouragement, Fear/Doubt, Friends of ACFW, tips, writing 1 Comment

By Renee Hodges You’re in exercise or dance class. Floor-to-ceiling mirrors face your group as you flow as one with the men and women around you. You are in the zone. Pulse racing to the rhythmic thumping of the sound system, you push yourself to keep up when encouraged by the pint-sized instructor with the wireless headset. Then you see …

Passed Over

ACFWAdvice, Authors and writing, Encouragement, Faith, Fear/Doubt, Friends of ACFW, tips, writing 14 Comments

by Terri Gillespie “For the vision is yet for an appointed time. It hastens to the end and will not fail. If it should be slow in coming, wait for it, for it will surely come—it will not delay.” Habakkuk 2:3, TLV Do you remember your first manuscript rejection? (I know, what a jolly way to begin a blog.) That …

Writing Tips from Paul and Joshua

ACFWAdvice, Authors and writing, Encouragement, Faith, Fear/Doubt, Friends of ACFW, tips, writing 7 Comments

By Lana Christian From conception to conclusion, every step of writing takes us out of our comfort zone. As faith-based writers, we also strive for excellence that pleases God. Collectively, that takes strength and courage. Scriptures for both abound. While they certainly can help us weather our challenges, they also contain writing tips. STRENGTH: Paul on word order and word …