Conference Takeaway

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By Donna K. Rice Spring brings a busy conference season for both the writing and ministry arenas. In April, I attended Mount Hermon Writers Conference, came home and repacked, then headed for our ministerial fellowship’s women’s conference. The first weekend in May, I’m off again for another ministerial conference. Since many of us are prepping for ACFW’s conference in September, …

Writing with “Wisdom of Heart”

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by Linda Thompson First, a bit of transparency. When I committed to this date for a guest post, I thought I would be in a different place in my publishing journey. I understood there were no guarantees, but in truth I had some expectations. After years of writing and re-writing, when the Lord blessed my manuscript with a Genesis win …

Where Do Ideas Come From?

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By Melanie Dickerson I get a lot of emails and messages from teen writers asking for writing tips. The two questions I get asked most frequently: “Where do you get your ideas?” and “What do you do when you get stuck?” Since many of my novels are fairy tale retellings, I start out checking into the original fairy tale and …

Audiences and Communities

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By Glynn Young Do you write for an audience? I don’t. Most of my career in communications focused on writing for an audience. It might be people listening to a speech; it might be people reading a magazine article or a newspaper story. The audience might be people (sometimes angry) assembled for a town hall meeting. Or company employees. The …

Making Conversation

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By Linda W. Yezak Ever since our vocabulary extended beyond “Mama” and “Dada,” most of us have been engaged in verbal communication, although true communication is rarely limited to voice alone. Human dialogue, human interaction, is a complex series of mechanisms that dictate how information is communicated and received. It isn’t as simple as one person talking and another listening. …

Resolution Inclusions for 2017

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By Shirley E. Gould With Christmas in our rear-view mirror, we’ve over-eaten and gained a few pounds, we’ve maxed out the budget, opened our presents, enjoyed smiles of wonder on children’s faces, visited Grandma and are now ready to face the new year with fervor. It’s a time to slow down and review 2016. Good or bad with its ups …

The Writing Marathon

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by Marianne Evans My son and husband are avid marathon runners. In fact, 2016 was a milestone for us because our son qualified for, and ran in, the Boston Marathon. I’m such a proud mama! Like his father before him, he trained, he became educated on the sport and its processes, and he committed himself to a regimen so strenuous …

Our Intrinsic Value and Voice

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By John Tucker Many people from all walks of life identify themselves by the work they do: dentist, engineer, lawyer, or writer. But all of our work, talents, skills, and giftings are extensions of who we are. Our intrinsic value as persons comes from our Creator and dwells in our spirit. It is out of our spirit that we do …