The Benefits of Volunteering at Conference

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by Jennifer Hudson-Taylor Most of us think of church or local ministries when we consider volunteering, but there are plenty of volunteer opportunities at the ACFW Conference. It isn’t only about writing workshops and meetings with agents and editors, although those are wonderful assets to the conference. More importantly, God is at work during prayer time, praise and worship, devotions, …

Confidence at Conference

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by Angela Breidenbach ACFW Publicity Officer Many Christian fiction writers are gearing up to attend the American Christian Fiction Writers Conference in Denver this September. Some are feeling the pinch of nerves as if their finger were caught in the car door. They want to go, need to go, but don’t know how to get through it without serious doubts. …

Part Four: A Question & the 3 C’s: Colors, Continuity, and Choices

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By Dineen A. Miller Last week we answered two reader questions and talked about business cards. (Click here to read part three.) Janice Olson left another great question, so let’s start there. Thanks Dineen, for all the wonderful answers and information. My questions this time are concerning “the” photograph. I have seen different types of professional photographs, but I question …