Reviewing the Mindset of Reviews

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By C. Kevin Thompson As many authors know, good, critical, honest reviews are important. Future readers often base their purchases on them. Therefore, reviews are gold when talking bottom lines. Because Amazon uses the review system as one of its major marketing arms, keeping reviews as pure as possible is paramount to good customer service. To prevent others from manipulating …

The Field of Dreamers

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By Robin W. Pearson Some soybeans spoke to me one day. Actually, it wasn’t the soybeans, but rather a cornstalk growing smackdab in the middle of them. That lone plant told me to keep pressing no matter what the world looks like around me, to do what I do, write what I know. What do I know? Well, I’m a …

The Joy of the Lord is My Strength

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By Barbara J. Scott Joy? “What’s joy got to do with writing?” the Grinch would say. Aren’t writers supposed to pour their blood, sweat, and tears onto the page? Aren’t we supposed to suffer for our craft? I remember the first story I ever wrote for publication–The Milk Bottle Circus. I was in the fourth grade, and our teacher planned …

Procrastination Explanation

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By Patti Shene Gonzales I’m a procrastinator. The one thing in my life I procrastinate most? My writing. When I was pursuing my Bachelor of Science degree in nursing at what was then University of Southern Colorado in Pueblo, we were assigned a “term paper.” I assume a student was expected to work on the project for the majority of …

5 Reasons Why You Should Read Love Inspired Novels

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By Lisa Jordan I read a discussion recently where a reader was concerned about the content and quality of Love Inspired novels because the parent publisher releases secular romance novels as well. This particular reader didn’t want to support a company whose values contradicted with her own. Every reader needs to choose her books based on her own convictions. However, …

Dress for Success and Corrie Ten Boom

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By Carol Hamilton Today’s authors should be speakers, also. To become more comfortable before an audience and to allow your audience to be more at ease with you, learn to dress for success. When you stand on a stage, the crowd sees more of your feet than they may want. Women, be sure heels aren’t too spiked. They could get …