Researching the Highland Treasures Series

ACFWAuthors and writing, Friends of ACFW, research 1 Comment

By Brenda B. Taylor I became interested in genealogical research after retirement which led to researching family ancestry. The lives of my ancestors grabbed my interest and curiosity. I researched and traveled to their homes and wrote about those in post-Civil War Missouri and Scotland. I found my Scots Munro ancestor who immigrated from Scotland to North Carolina early in …

Making it right….

ACFWAdvice, Authors and writing, Editors, Encouragement, Friends of ACFW, revisions, tips, writing Leave a Comment

by Roxanne Rustand When someone refers to their “writing journey,” I think back to my own journey and my own misconceptions back in the early 1990’s.  It all seemed so clear back then. Write. Be dedicated. Absorb everything I heard at writers’ conferences, study my books on writing and the scores of writing workshop tapes I listened to endlessly.  It …

The Christian Writer’s Cause

ACFWAdvice, Authors and writing, Brainstorming, Encouragement, Friends of ACFW, Learning, tips, writing Leave a Comment

By John W. Tucker Christian writers have a variety of reasons for wanting to write. Here are eleven: 1) to fulfill a personal need; 2) to honor God by using this gift; 3) to reach sectors of the population with a message of hope; 4) to earn a living or supplement it; 5) to set an example and help reproduce …

When Social Media isn’t Social Anymore

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By Norma Gail Any writer who handles the majority of their own social media is frustrated. Facebook was fun when it was just family and friends. Now that it’s a necessary part of my platform as a writer, I’ve developed an intense dislike for it. I can’t take the sting out of hours spent on social media instead of writing. …

Change Your Character, Change the World

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By Victoria Buck I wrote approximately a thousand pages about a game show host who becomes the world’s first transhuman who becomes a fugitive who becomes a believer who becomes a hero who becomes an evangelist, sort of. Book three of my trilogy releases in September, and Chase Sterling’s quest culminates in front of a worldwide audience who, ready or …

Holding to High Standards

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By Angela Beach Silverthorne Books are powerful instruments to entertain, teach, learn problem solving strategies and coping mechanisms. As a writer I cannot underestimate the impact my words can have on readers. Knowing this, I take being a Christian author very seriously. Before I began writing the Cries series, Cries of Innocence and Cries of Grace, I began to pray. …

Plotting and Structure of Novels

ACFWAdvice, Authors and writing, Friends of ACFW, Plots, Story Structure, tips, writing Leave a Comment

by Brenda Taylor Plotting novels is a chore for me, because I am a panster by nature. Instead of sitting for a great length of time thinking, plotting, and structuring a story, I want to write and let the storyline fall where it may. I’ve learned, however, my panster method is not the best way. It leaves too much to …

Does Social Media Sell Books?

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By DiAnn Mills Whenever I speak about the value of social media, writers groan, frown, and complain. Too many writers are not willing to get past the learning curve needed to develop their brand. My response is always a focus on a writer’s life requiring flexibility to learn craft, marketing, publishing, and branding. If a new technique in the writing …

God’s Road Signs

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by Kathy Parish Often life seems to be a bit of a whirlwind, tossing me from one task to another like a leaf blown in the wind. Sometimes I even feel like I’m in a spin, like the windmill on the island in our pond when a brisk wind blows. Today’s culture prizes the skill of multi-tasking above many others. …