Writing Through the Valleys: The Painful Truth

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By Christa MacDonald Pain, the emotional sort, is a killer of creativity. It’s hard to get the words out when your heart is breaking. Grief, angst, fear, whatever it is, nothing shuts off the faucet of inspiration like suffering. It’s tough to get motivated to write a light-hearted romance when your heart is broken. It’s equally challenging to write about …

Change Your Motive, Change the World …and the industry

ACFWACFW, Advice, Authors and writing, Encouragement, Friends of ACFW, tips, writing Leave a Comment

by J.A. Marx If you’ve been around ACFW for any length of time, you’ve heard the one question every agent and editor asks: “Who’s your audience?” The tighter we narrow down the audience for our story, the happier we make the marketing department. But at what point in writing a new book do we start thinking about our readers? God …

When a Writer Hits a Wall

ACFWAdvice, Authors and writing, Encouragement, Friends of ACFW, writing 8 Comments

By Joanna Davidson Politano “There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.” ~Ernest Hemmingway Writers often find we cannot escape the lure of creating stories, yet it’s both freeing and frustrating, isn’t it? It’s a voluntary invasion of privacy, a big emotional investment, and it’s never as easy as it seemed before …

When a Writer Hits a Wall

ACFWAdvice, Authors and writing, Encouragement, Friends of ACFW, writing 8 Comments

By Joanna Davidson Politano “There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.” ~Ernest Hemmingway Writers often find we cannot escape the lure of creating stories, yet it’s both freeing and frustrating, isn’t it? It’s a voluntary invasion of privacy, a big emotional investment, and it’s never as easy as it seemed before …