ACFW Conference – More Benefits

ACFWACFW, Conference 1 Comment

Learning, worship time, appointments, fellowship are all part of ACFW’s national conference. And this year, we are looking forward to the Early Bird session at the ACFW Conference with best selling author Robert Dugoni!

“The Advanced Fiction Writing is the acclaimed national seminar. Using lecture, in-class assignments, and examples of his own and other best-sellers, Bob brings a nuts & bolts approach to writing the novel from the initial idea to the final edit.”

Interested? Make sure you add this to your conference registration! Find our more about the Early Bird session here:

Meanwhile, don’t forget about our giveaway!

Your ACFW leadership has created a brand new listening opportunity for you–listening to all* the instruction and encouragement offered during the upcoming 2019 ACFW conference! One blessed ACFW member will be given the complete mp3 of the conference recordings. What a valuable resource!

How can you be that ONE?

Help us spread the word about the conference. Our best advertising for the conference is you. Whether you’ve attended a past ACFW conference or not, and even if you already plan to attend in September in San Antonio, you can help other people hear about the conference, people beyond the scope of ACFW’s reach.

We’re enlisting your aid for the sake of those who can benefit from all the conference has to offer.

Once you’ve promoted the conference on social media with the hashtag #2019acfw with a sentence or two that encourages fiction writers to consider attending, you’ll then be eligible for the Rafflecopter giveaway for an mp3 recording of all* the 2019 conference workshops, spotlights, and panels. (*Note that one or two of the workshops may be copyright protected by the instructor and not included.)

Here’s the giveaway link via Rafflecopter for you:

Thank you for “listening,” and for participating in our “let’s get the word out” promotion.

Comments 1

  1. How, dear friend, can you be the one,
    that individual chosen?
    How can you enhance the chances run,
    and in mid-stride not be frozen?
    Recall, my dear, that James and John
    wanted the pride of place
    and that their friends argued upon
    their deeds becoming grace.
    We do the best we truly can
    and having done so, let it stand.
    God’s calculus is more than man
    can weigh in either hand.
    Passed over by man, yes, dims the flame,
    but we are transfigured by the Name.

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