Lessons Learned about Promoting a Debut Novel

ACFWAdvice, Authors and writing, Friends of ACFW, marketing, tips, writing 11 Comments

By Frank A. DiBianca So, after years of writing, revising, professionally editing, finalizing, and submitting manuscripts to agents or publishers, your book has finally been published. But unless you’ve been published by one of the big houses, the lion’s share of selling your book is going to fall squarely in your lap. Now comes the big question. How do you …

5 Business Tools to Aid our Writing

ACFWAdvice, Authors and writing, Friends of ACFW, marketing, Organization, writing 1 Comment

By Kass Fogle By day, I don my Human Resources cap and march into the office ready to drive results through project work, endless meetings, and to-do lists. But like anyone’s plan for the day, mine turns on a dime and the prioritized, color-coded time blocks that organize my day crumble around me. Sometimes the same goes for my writing, …

Why Should a Writer be Part of Goodreads?

ACFWAdvice, Authors and writing, Friends of ACFW, Goodreads, marketing, tips 2 Comments

By DiAnn Mills The biggest reason for a writer to jump onboard Goodreads is from their own words: “It’s the world’s largest site for readers and book recommendations.” I’m convinced this social media platform is essential to a novelist’s recognition by readers and publishers. Let’s unpack what that means: If I’m looking for a book to read, I can explore …

Self-Promotion: The Ugly, The Bad… and The Good?

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By Michael Anthony Torres Thanks to Steve Laube for the questions that inspired this meditation. The increasing demand for self-promotion is arguably a by-product of the internet and the democratization of publicity. Surely, there are many more who could speak to this from more of an industry insider’s perspective; but when I was a young adult reader, I don’t recall …

Speaking to Book Clubs, Is It Worth Your Time?

ACFWAdvice, Authors and writing, Books, Friends of ACFW, marketing, Speaking, tips 4 Comments

By Nora St. Laurent Having run two book clubs, inside of a book store, and one that met on-line, I have witnessed the excitement felt by readers, firsthand when they can either meet with an author, or speak with them on an IP (Computer) call. The energy in the room is palpable and this becomes the reader’s version of meeting …

Three Steps to Getting Impressive Endorsements for Your Book

ACFWAdvice, Authors and writing, Friends of ACFW, marketing, tips, writing 3 Comments

By Lara Helmling If you’ve ever been in a meeting with a publisher, you’ve probably been asked this question: “Do you know anyone who will endorse your book?” “Uhhhh.” Most of my first-time authors say, “I don’t know anybody.” Maybe you do or maybe you don’t know anybody, but you can still get valuable endorsements. I’ve broken the process down …

5 Reasons Authors Should be on Goodreads

ACFWAdvice, Authors and writing, Books, Friends of ACFW, marketing, tips 2 Comments

By Amber Schamel To Goodreads, or not to Goodreads…that seems to be a question. Since it’s one of my all time favorite sites, I thought I’d address this question and give 5 reasons why I think authors should consider joining and interacting on the site. Goodreads is especially for book lovers! To market our books, we first have to find …

Why “Brand” Matters…Or Does it Really?

ACFWAdvice, Authors and writing, Friends of ACFW, marketing, tips, writing 8 Comments

By Cynthia Herron As a writer, you’ve probably given some thought to your “brand.” (And if you haven’t, now’s the time!) “Brand” to an author is what water is to wildflowers. It quenches, sustains, and breathes life into an otherwise drab existence. For instance, in today’s world where we’re surrounded with a buffet of opportunity, I’m always intrigued by people’s …