Top 5 Things NOT to Do When Self-Publishing

ACFWAdvice, Authors and writing, Editing, Encouragement, Independent Author, Indie/Hybrid Publishing, marketing, Publishing, Social Media, tips, writing 13 Comments

By Desiree Future @Desiree_Future

As a self-publisher of two Christian romance novels, I’m sharing with you the top five things not to do when self-publishing. It is my hope, you will learn from the mistakes that I’ve made.

  1. Do not underestimate how much work it takes to self-publish a book. As a self-publisher, you take on the responsibility of running your own publishing company. This means from cover to cover every decision and expense falls on you when getting your book to the public. You now become the agent, illustrator, publicist, marketing manager, and so on. Every hat that a regular publishing company has is now your new headwear. Be prepared for your head to lean at a forty-five-degree angle at times from the weight.
  1. Don’t just read one or two articles on the topic and consider yourself knowledgeable. The same way you researched things for the awesome book you wrote is the same way you should research everything on self-publishing. The first book you should buy is one to help you get started. Take a few classes and join a writers’ group to help you along the way.
  1. Do not budget less than two thousand dollars for your book. In today’s economy prices have risen to soaring heights. Everything from paying for your copyright to your ISBN (International Standard Book Number) which allows you to receive compensation on book sales, has increased in the past years. As someone who has self-published books in the past, I can tell you unexpected expenses can and will happen. The rule of thumb is to always put extra money aside.
  1. Don’t skip hiring a professional editor unless you have expert experience in editing. I suggest seeking out someone who has years of experience and a good reputation. Yes, they are very costly, however, it beats getting a one-star review based on the lack of editing. This was my personal experience after having several editors.
  1. Do not think because you’ve finished writing, having it copyrighted, having it edited, and so on, that your work is done. It’s done as a writer but now you must begin to be your publisher. Now it’s time to market your great book. Your first step is to get an eye-popping book cover that will make people want to pick up your book. Having a cover that captures readers’ attention draws in sales.
Top 5 Things Not to do when self-publishing. @Desiree_Future #indiepub #selfpub #publishing #writing #tips Share on X


  1. Don’t forget self-publishing is a business where taxes must be paid like any other business. The only difference is you are telling your story to the world and how you present it is how it is received. At times, sales can be slow, and in others, it can be lucrative. You must treat it as the business that it is because you are now both the author and CEO of your book. Are you ready for it? I’m sure you are because if you can write an entire book there’s no telling what other great things you can do.


  1. Do not give up on your incredibly awesome craft. Whatever God has given you to write and share with the world then do it. Some people might like what you have to say and some might not. Here’s the thing God thought you were the right person to write it. Isaiah 41:10 (NKJ) So do not fear, for I am with you: do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen and help you. I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”

Desiree Future is the author of The Pastor’s Heart & It’s a New Season. She’s also a Self-Improvement blogger who splits her time between writing encouraging articles, rewriting her next novel, and working her full-time job. This cancer survivor of New Jersey enjoys traveling and going to the theater.



Comments 13

  1. I will add two more that I learned the hard way. If you want to send out books for review, many major venues want them four months before publication. (!) Also, if you want a Library of Congress number so libraries can find it easily, you must apply before publication. Otherwise you need to write a letter, asking permission to give a copy, which they may or may not grant. It’s nice to see your book in print, though!

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