
ACFWAgents, Authors and writing, Distraction, Encouragement, Faith, Fellowship, writing 3 Comments

by Angela Hunt Hello, ACFW!  I hope you’re enjoying your summer and planning for the conference coming up in September. It’s going to be a great time! Anna Quindlen once wrote an insightful column for Newsweek. She wrote about solitude and explained that though she loves her family, she also loves time alone: “I like solitude. I can spend days happily …

Hello, ACFW!

ACFWACFW, Agents, appointments, Authors and writing, Conference, Editors, Learning, writing 1 Comment

THE ACFW VIRTUAL CONFERENCE: MARK YOUR CALENDARS FOR FEBRUARY 24 – 25, 2024 Hello ACFW! I’m Kathleen Y’Barbo-Turner, a member of the ACFW Executive Board, and I’ve got great news for you! If you’ve been a member of ACFW for any length of time, you’ve no doubt attended or at least heard about our fabulous ACFW Annual Conference–the premier conference …

Seeing the Bright Side of Rejection

ACFWACFW, Advice, Agents, Authors and writing, Encouragement, Faith, Fear/Doubt, Rejection, Social Media, writing Leave a Comment

By Lori Domingo @loridomingo22 To say that I was beyond excited to be nearing the finish line of my MFA program would be an understatement. I had in my hands a completed, full-length novel – my first in my genre of choice, Christian fiction. Part of the requirements for one of my classes was to research a favorite author in …

Pitching With Grace and Perseverance

ACFWAdvice, Agents, appointments, Authors and writing, Editors, Encouragement, tips 5 Comments

By Barbara M. Britton @BarbaraMBritton My pitching days began in 2008. I have pitched to agents and editors in the General Market and to those in the Christian Fiction publishing world. I’ve pitched in person and over Zoom. My shortest time allotment was three minutes, and my longest pitch session was fifteen minutes. What were some of the craziest things …

The Wait

ACFWAdvice, Agents, Authors and writing, Editors, Encouragement, Friends of ACFW, tips, writing Leave a Comment

by Loretta Eidson The moment months of character building, plotting, and creativity end, anticipation builds. The novel is complete. With outstretched arms, take in a deep breath, shout for joy, and celebrate the success of a long writing journey. The sense of accomplishment feels grand. The next step is writing a lengthy synopsis and proposal. You tap away at the …

ACFW Conference Prayer: For the Agents at Conference (Day 30)

ACFWACFW, Agents, Conference, Prayer 1 Comment

ACFW Conference Prayer – Agents at the Conference Let me hear Your lovingkindness in the morning; for I trust in You. ~ Psalm 143:8a We pray for the agents at this year’s conference. May they have time to listen to Your voice even amongst the busyness. They may feel pulled in every direction. Give them divine appointments for gaining clients …

ACFW’s National Conference – Benefits

ACFWACFW, Agents, appointments, Conference, Editors 1 Comment

If you’re still considering attending the ACFW Conference this year in San Antonio, TX add this to your consideration: As part of your registration cost, you have the opportunity to sign up for slots to meet with agents and editors! These appointments are perfect for creating face-to-face connections that will be imperative for your writing future! See our list of …

ACFW Conference Prayer: Day 30

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2017 ACFW CONFERENCE – 40 DAYS OF PRAYER DAY 30 – 8/22/17 – AGENTS AT THE CONFERENCE Psalm 143:8, The Living Bible: “Let me see your kindness to me in the morning, for I am trusting you. Show me where to walk, for my prayers are sincere.” Beloved Lord God, thank You for this year’s ACFW Conference, for both the …