Shining God’s Light Through Our Writing

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by Kathi Macias One question I am often asked is, “Why do you write about such dark topics?” My answer? “I don’t write about dark topics; I write about the Light that shines in the darkness.” Now I’ll admit that most of my novels’ subject matter isn’t exactly easy reading; it isn’t easy writing either, as topics like the persecuted …

Book Review: “The Messenger”

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Title: The Messenger Author: Siri Mitchell Publisher: Bethany House Date: Mar 2012 ISBN: 978-0764207969 Genre: Historical Quaker Romance Reviewed by: Holly Weiss Philadelphia, in 1778, is under British occupation. A Quaker woman weeps for her brother, suffering in a British jail. A Colonial spy courts British officers in his tavern. In The Messenger, a woman and a man from two …

The Greatest Love of All

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by Lorraine Walker February pulls our heartstrings, bringing to mind those we love. Celebrating with our special heartthrob (my husband of forty years), children exchanging sweet notes at parties, and let us not forget the greatest love of all. Our Savior gave his life because he loves us. My writing cannot be separated from that love. As inspirational novelists, we …

Do What You Are: by Tina Radcliffe

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Life is a balancing act, and the words of Alex Cross, in James Patterson’s, Along Came a Spider, “Do what you are,” are a challenge when applied to our daily lives. If you were to list those things that fill your life in order of importance from least to most, how much time would you admit they occupy in your …