Say Goodnight, Gracie: Seven Secrets to creating the Perfect Ending

ACFWAdvice, Authors and writing, Friends of ACFW, tips, writing Leave a Comment

by Janice Thompson There’s nothing worse than a book with an unsatisfying ending. The reader deserves a solid wrap-up. Otherwise, he’ll feel cheated. (After all, he plowed through 300+ pages of your book, assuming the ending would leave him satisfied!) Knowing how and when to conclude your story is key. It’s also an art-form. With that in mind, I’ve come …

ACFW New Releases: November 2012

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More in-depth descriptions of these books can be found on the ACFW Fiction Finder website. A Wild Goose Chase Christmas by Jennifer AlLee — An heirloom quilt, secret messages, a hyper dog, and a possible treasure make for an unforgettable Christmas. (Contemporary Romance from Abingdon Press). Freefall by Jodie Bailey — A soldier teams up with a retired commando, an …

40 Days of Prayer: Day 17

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Day 17 Clarity of speech for those pitching projects Philippians 4: 13–I can do all things through Him who strengthens me. Father God, we thank You for our salvation in Jesus Christ and Your Holy Spirit that guides us. Please give all the writers at the conference wisdom and the right words to communicate the message You have given them …

ACFW New Releases: September 2012

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More in-depth descriptions of these books can be found on the ACFW Fiction Finder website. Love Reunited by Renee Andrews — A soldier returns home to find the love of his life is single again, but he also learns that she’s blind…and that his confession of love may have cost her a marriage and her sight. (Contemporary Romance from Love …

Should a Christian Market Themselves?

ACFWAdvice, Authors and writing, Friends of ACFW, marketing, tips, writing Leave a Comment

by Jordyn Redwood Over the last six months or so, I’ve been reading a lot about marketing to help support the release of my debut medical thriller, Proof. Strangely, I came across an attitude among certain circles that it is unchristian like behavior to market your novel-essentially claiming that “pushing your product” is prideful and therefore sinful. This is how …

“Technology is what existed before you were born.” (Alan Kay)

ACFWAdvice, Editors, marketing, tips, writing Leave a Comment

by Julie Gwinn B&H Publishing Group We had a digital summit at B&H recently to try to get our heads around the changes taking place in the publishing industry. It was two days of information and presentations with some startling statistics: In 2006, there were 296,352 books published. In 2010, that number jumped to 3,092,740. Thank goodness I am in …