Unexpected Blessings

ACFWAdvice, Authors and writing, Encouragement, Friends of ACFW, writing Leave a Comment

Unexpected blessings could be waiting for you in your writing life . . .

My first winter in Florida, I visited churches to call “home” while there. My church in Ohio I love has a little over five hundred. I visited one church, and I walked into a room of thousands of people. Overwhelmed, I stayed. I loved the kind people, powerful sermon, and inspiring music. It was perfect for me. After the service, I walked to my car smiling. A woman knocked on my window and handed me a card inviting me to a Women’s Christian Connection luncheon and program. I attended and loved it. I’d been praying about how to serve Jesus Christ, and He put women in my life who wouldn’t let me alone until I agreed to go through the nine month process to become a speaker for this organization. I felt so unworthy, and afraid! I wasn’t sure I could do this, and then I remembered all things are possible through Jesus Christ. I was approved. My purpose for this organization isn’t to promote being an author to sell my books. It’s to tell my story of how I met Jesus and what He means to me, and to invite women to come to know Him.

This experience has made me a better speaker. I now have the confidence to offer writing advice to aspiring writers at libraries, writing groups, conferences, and more. I’ve been asked to speak about my research of the Amish lifestyle and traditions across the country. Without Jesus Christ in my life, none of this would’ve happened. I’m guilty of driving the train, and then I finally realize this, and stop, and ask Him, “What’s my next step?” He then opens doors and puts people in my life to show me the way. Can you relate? What does He have in store for you and your writing journey today?

Have you thought about speaking or teaching a class? Maybe my experience can help you. @mollymjebber #ACFWBlogs #writing Share on X

Molly Jebber loves God, her husband and family, and writing Amish Historical Romance. Her latest and second book in her Amish Charm Bakery Series, Ellie’s Redemption, released in stores and online in January of this year. Her third book in the series, Hannah’s Courage, will release January 26, 2020. She loves writing, reading, golf, and swimming, but says no to onions and skydiving! Visit Molly at http://www.mollyjebber.com

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