ACFW Conference Prayer for the Audio/Visual Team
1 Thessalonians 1:2-3 We give thanks to God always for all of you making mention of you in our prayers.
Father, we are so grateful for all the talented people who work so hard to make the annual ACFW Conference a fantastic, unforgettable experience. Today we’d especially like to hold up the ones responsible for lighting, sound, and visuals who work tirelessly in the background. Give them strength and wisdom and let them know they are greatly appreciated. In the precious name of Jesus, Amen.
Written by Pamela James
Comments 1
They also serve who stand and wait,
and they wait, sometimes, so long.
They are the substance of the great,
but so rarely enshrined in song.
Their names are unknown to us,
their faces hidden from the light;
but they are surely no less valourous
and their grace rolls back the night.
Lord, we pray for those who labour
beneath and behind the gilded stage,
and ask You bestow Your glorious favour
to those who support Your printed page.
These are not the brightest threads we see,
but they hold together Your tapestry.