
ACFWAdvice, Authors and writing, Encouragement, Friends of ACFW Leave a Comment

by Ruth Douthitt Do you think of inspiration as solely divine? I do, except when it comes to my current work in progress. I was inspired to write my current mystery/thriller for kids by giving a spelling test to 6th graders. Not what I consider to be divine influence, but whatever works! And God is sovereign over everything. So, how …

New Releases: June 2013

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More in-depth descriptions of these books can be found on the ACFW Fiction Finder website. Romance Releases: A Bride for All Seasons by Robin Lee Hatcher, Margaret Brownley, Debra Clopton, and Mary Connealy — 1800s mail-order bride catalogs facilitated many happy marriages. Here are the stories of four couples who owe their wedded bliss to creative editing by The Hitching …

Plotting With God: Turning Story into a Journey of Faith

ACFWAdvice, Authors and writing, Friends of ACFW, Prayer, tips, writing Leave a Comment

by Margaret Brownley The challenge for any Christian writer is to tell a good page-turning story that also enlightens and encourages readers. For the writer starting out, working a meaningful faith arc into a manuscript can be daunting (It was for me coming from the secular market). How much or little faith does a book require and what makes a …

How Do You Get Endorsements?

ACFWAdvice, Authors and writing, Friends of ACFW, Publishing, tips Leave a Comment

By Carrie Fancett Pagels I was recently asked this question. As a newly published author with an ebook novella, I hardly feel competent to answer. But someone asked how I got endorsements for another project (a not-yet-published manuscript) in which three multi-published authors gave me endorsements. And the questioner wondered how I already had a number of multi-published authors who’d …

ACFW New Releases: May 2013

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More in-depth descriptions of these books can be found on the ACFW Fiction Finder website. Follow the Heart by Kaye Dacus — An American woman is sent to England to marry wealth, but finds herself torn between the poor man she loves and the viscount who offers the wealth and stability that can save her family. (Historical Romance from B …

Days of Silence

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by Dr. Richard Mabry God made a promise to an old and childless Abraham that someday he would be the father of many nations. Fourteen years after that, Isaac was born to Abraham and his wife, Sarah. Did you ever wonder what happened during the prolonged period of waiting the patriarch endured? Did Abraham worry because he was getting older …


ACFWAdvice, Agents, Authors and writing Leave a Comment

by Natasha Kern In this season for appreciating our many gifts and blessings, I wanted to take this opportunity to express my gratitude for the blessing of ACFW. When I first began agenting in 1986 way back before email or the Internet existed and before editors had computers on their desks (and resisted them mightily), ACFW did not exist. Amazingly, …