When Writing Calls Your Name

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By Ruth Douthitt Recently, I had the privilege of hearing agent and writer, Karen Ball, speak at a small writers conference in Phoenix. I didn’t really want to attend the conference. I haven’t written much these last few months and had no desire to write anything in the near future, but I felt the Lord leading me to attend…so I …

You are the Only You

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By Tamara D. Fickas A new writer recently expressed concern that their words weren’t important. With so many great writers out there, how could their story make a difference? I can relate to that. Even after all the years I’ve been working at this writing gig I still struggle with whether my story is valuable enough to share shelf space …

Writing the Story of your Heart versus Writing Something “to get the sale.”

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by Susan May Warren I receive a lot of questions from aspiring writers and this one caught my eye. Q: Have you ever had a story that you wanted to write, a spiritual message you wanted to share, but it won’t let you just yet? A: Yes, I have a couple stories sitting in my heart that I haven’t had …

Overcoming the Failure Inside

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By Elizabeth Ludwig Scarlett O’Hara. Katniss Everdeen. Michael Hosea. Jane Eyre. Do you recognize any of these names? Obviously, they are all characters from books. And yes, they are all heroes. But before they were heroic, they were flawed and fallible. These frail, imperfect, unlikely paragons struggled with weaknesses in their character—failures that sprang from something deep inside, such as …

In Celebration of Technique

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By Michelle Arch A curious thing seems to be happening in MFA workshops and critique groups. Criticism regarding spelling, grammar, and punctuation is considered hypercritical and offered only with considerable apologies for nitpicking. “Your editor will catch and correct those problems” seems to be the widespread assumption, which disregards entirely the fact that, as unpublished, amateur writers, we don’t yet …

Does a Newsletter Scare You? Five Ways to Rock It!

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By Cynthia Herron As social media networks continue to limit our visibility (unless we buy their ads so they, in turn, will promote our posts/statuses), what’s a writer to do? How do we reach those we care about? Well, there are two things we can do (and yes, you’ve heard this before): blog and build our email lists-engage through our …

Write a Book Review That Helps, Not Hinders-Part 1

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By Dianna Booher Sooner or later, either passion or generosity (or marketing savvy) will push you to review someone’s book. Passion: You either love or hate the book so much that you must tell the world. Generosity: You know the book’s message will help others. Or, you want to help the author sell books and understand that reviews help sell …

Communicating Biblical Truth through Christian Fiction

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By Norma Gail “You connect with your audience when they identify with your pain.” Notes I took at a workshop a few years ago resonate with every word I write. The message stayed with me because of its truth. As Christian fiction authors, we don’t just sell entertainment, we sell hope, connecting with our readers when we touch a tender …