By Robin W. Pearson
I imagine Moses felt a spark when he stumbled upon the burning bush. Spending time in a den of hungry lions motivated Daniel, and crouching in the belly of a fish surely gave Jonah the encouragement he needed. Sitting at the feet of our Savior definitely moved the disciples, and being struck blind opened the spiritual eyes of the man who would be Paul. All manner of miracles, wonders, and healings…That same inspiration has led me to wash soiled soccer jerseys, potty train seven little people, and ride with a teenage driver–and write it all down.
No, setting the table for nine isn’t feeding five thousand dusty, hungry souls who hungered and thirsted for more than food and drink. Plastering a kiss and a Band-Aid on Brown Sugar’s boo-boo doesn’t take a miracle. Yet Jesus is in it all; His constant, faithful hand is behind each act of mothering. His day-to-day work in my family’s life is what I write about.
Simply put, God is not my muse, but my message.
I once thought nursing the Crusader and eating chocolate chip cookies started me on my writing journey. While munching at 2 a.m. with my sleepless wonder I felt called to jot down stories my grandmothers had shared. Over time, I used our nightly visits to connect these stories with other memories and ideas, transforming it all into my fictional family saga, A Long Time Comin’. At that point, I believed God had delivered more than motherhood. He’d produced a writer, and with my first novel under my belt I pictured my future, raising little people by day and cranking out bestselling Christian fiction from my closet by night.
While my closet may have been the perfect place to pray, it seemed God didn’t intend for me to set up my laptop and write there, for along came platform building. But what did I know about the press, publicity, and promotion…oh, my?! I was a mommy and an author. Freelancing I could handle. Inventing people and places, no problem. But blogging? About what, who? Me?
No. Me, God said.
When He says, “whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive your inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ” He means it. (Colossians 3:23-24) And “whatever” includes “everything”–all the bells, pots, and bowls in Zechariah 14. It’s all holy and belongs to Him. There’s a lot to be said about changing dirty diapers, teaching algebra, and life with Hubby, and there’s so much more when I view these everyday experiences through God’s eyes and communicate them using His Word.
Second Timothy 3:16 says that “all scripture is God-breathed.” And the belief that He’s daily inscribing and breathing His Word on my life pushes me out of my comfy bed to face the weeping and wailing that often awaits. It also inspires me to share that message with other men and women, professionals, professionals, and homeschoolers–anyone that will read it.
Just what is His vision for you? Are you willing to “make it plain on tablets…”? (Habakkuk 2:2) Perhaps it’s churning out the hottest historical fiction, a marriage devotional, a law brief, or an educational how-to. It might be something completely different and infinitely greater than you ever imagined. While I thought I was using Mommy, Concentrated to promote my book, God was using me, molding and shaping my thoughts and experiences into a form that would ultimately glorify Him even if it confounds me. Yes, I think it would be just as cool to blog about a spotless house, children who don’t run and scream and break things, and a writing career that tops the charts, but that would be my vision, and not His.
And so like Habakkuk says, I’m running with it.
Robin Pearson writes for her site, Mommy, Concentrated and is working on her second novel while seeking publication for her debut, A Long Time Comin’. Her husband, their seven little people, and their dog, Oscar, work hard providing her lots of writing material, prayer requests, heart palpitations, and laugh lines.
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God is not my muse, but my message. I love this and will put it over my computer to remind me why I’m writing!
What a great and encouraging reminder, Robin. And wonderfully written, too!