Chasing Perfect Optimism

ACFWAdvice, Authors and writing, Encouragement, Faith, Fear/Doubt, tips 1 Comment

by M.D. House @real_housemd

Jesus was an optimist. That seems a trite thing to say, doesn’t it? It was easy for him to be positive all the time, right? He was the Messiah, for heaven’s sake. He had a direct line to God, and angels were on call to help him.

And yet, he often wept—not just for what was happening around him, but what would happen. He knew his followers would continue to be persecuted. He knew many of them would die defending their faith in him, some in the most excruciating of manners.

Yet he was still an optimist. He saw the “big picture” in a way none of us has ever experienced. Not only did he understand God’s grand plan—made up of all the individualized plans for each of us, rolling together in the most amazing tapestry of eternal life—he trusted Heavenly Father.

Completely. Perfectly.

As we set and pursue goals for the new year—which always require a great deal of internal struggle—and as we are confronted by various challenges and setbacks, the key to maintaining optimism is trusting in the Lord.

New Year’s resolutions require sustained optimism, which can only come by increasing our trust in Jesus Christ, the perfect optimist. @real_housemd #writing #faith #encouragement #ACFW Share on X

He’s been there. He knows how he feel. And he knows God’s plans for us are perfect, based on his divine, unconditional love for us.

So, our primary goal for this new year is to increase our trust in the Lord. As we achieve that, not only will we become more optimistic, but our fear of mortality, and of the malevolence of our fellow man, will decrease.

We will also be far more motivated to go about doing good (see Acts 10:38). Just as our Savior did.

M.D. House is a semi-retired business professional. As an author, he started out writing science fiction, but became fascinated with the stories of Barabbas, Cornelius, and the Apostle Paul, among others, which has led him on an amazing and faith-affirming Christian fiction writing journey. He still writes clean, faith-based science fiction, along with some fantasy now, too. You can learn more about him at

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