A Fresh Start

ACFWAuthors and writing, Friends of ACFW, Outlines, research, Story Structure, tips, writing 1 Comment

By Darlene L. Turner Every writer loves to type “THE END” on their latest work-in-progress, but that dreaded flashing cursor on a blank “Chapter One” page sends tremors down our spines. Can I get an amen? However, starting a new manuscript doesn’t have to be daunting. Authors can make it fun. How, you ask? Maybe change your process up a …

When Research for Your Historical Novel Changes Your Understanding

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By Glynn Young For more than a year, I’ve been researching / writing/ researching / writing a historical novel set during the American Civil War. It’s loosely based on the experiences of my great-grandfather, but the more I write and research, the looser it becomes. I thought I knew the basic story of the war. What I soon learned is …

Why We Write

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By Terry Overton A google search for quotes about writing by famous authors will yield quotes from the likes of Winston Churchill, Earnest Hemmingway, Mary Higgins Clark, Stephen King, Maya Angelou, Agatha Christie, and J.K. Rowling, to name just a few. Some of the tidbits of wisdom these authors offer make us laugh while others are inspirational. Several of the …

Common Writing Obstacles: TIME

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By Henry McLaughlin Over the next few blogs, I’ll be exploring some of the most common obstacles every writer faces at least once in their career. I’ll begin with the obstacle of time. “I think I’ve got a book in me if I could only find the time to write.” We’ve all heard this statement from would-be writers. We’ve probably …

Worthy Words: Sacramental Settings

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By Christine Sunderland Today is Palm Sunday, a major festival in the Christian year. It recalls and celebrates Christ’s humble and glorious entrance into Jerusalem on a colt, to begin the week leading to Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday. As Jesus entered the gates of the city, the “multitudes” waved palms in greeting. They spread their garments and …

Unmasking Righteousness

ACFWAuthors and writing, Encouragement, Friends of ACFW, writing 1 Comment

By Christine Sunderland In my recently released novel, Angel Mountain (Wipf and Stock Publishers), the hermit Abram calls for repentance, crying from a precipice, preaching to a gathering in the meadow below. He does not mask his words or his face. He tells the truth as he has been told to do. As Anglicans, we observed Ash Wednesday last week, …