What Happens When You Finally Type “The End”?

ACFWAdvice, Authors and writing, Encouragement, research, revisions, writing 2 Comments

by Glynn Young @gyoung9751 It’s been more than two years since the writing began. It’s been more than four since the research started. A little over a month ago, on Jan. 16, I wrote this in my writing journal: “Reached 87,758 words. First draft completed.” Five days later, I wrote “First reread / editing completed.” It was there I stopped, …

Mesmerizing Mysteries and How to Master Them

ACFWAuthors and writing, Mystery/Suspense, Organization, Plots, Plotting/Outlines, tips, writing 2 Comments

By Sarah Sundin @sarahsundin What makes a satisfying mystery? As in all novels, we need intriguing lead characters, a captivating premise, and a setting that supports the story on both a physical and emotional level. But mysteries also have a cast of suspects and an interwoven plot with suspects and investigators acting and reacting to each other. Ideally, the reader …

What’s in a Name?

ACFWAdvice, Authors and writing, Characters, Encouragement, writing 3 Comments

by Janice Cantore This might be a rambling blog post. I’m not sure if every writer struggles with this subject like I do. I’ve written 14 books and I think I’ve struggled with this at some level with every single one. How do you pick names for your characters? I write suspense fiction, plot driven, not character driven, still, in …

The Greatest Short Story Ever Told

ACFWAdvice, Authors and writing, Encouragement, Faith, writing Leave a Comment

By Michael House @real_housemd I’ve had people tell me at events where I’m displaying my books (all novels) that they only read non-fiction, because fiction is frivolous and not “fact-based.” Well, I believe Jesus himself would beg to differ. He presented many teachings in the form of parables, and he has inspired so much great (and useful!) writing from the …

What a Contest Can Do for You

ACFWACFW, Advice, Contests, tips, writing 2 Comments

by Lisa Kelley @LisaKelleyWrite It’s time for unpublished authors like myself to enter the Genesis contest. I encourage you to go for it, but to approach it as a learning experience rather than a ticket to publication. Even though I’m the 2023 Romance winner, I’d enter again this year if I had a finished manuscript. I’m competitive, so it’s hard …

Writing about Grief, Pain and Sorrow

ACFWAdvice, Authors and writing, Description, Encouragement, tips, writing 2 Comments

by Allie Pleiter @alliepleiter We want our books to touch readers. For that to happen, our characters must go through deep emotions, letting the experiences transform them and their faith. Even those of us who write with a touch of humor need to plumb the depths of life’s journey to write a book that feels as significant as it does …

Singing the Song of Truth

ACFWAuthors and writing, Encouragement, Faith, writing 1 Comment

By Christine Sunderland @Chrisunderland Christians have long sought to portray truth. They look to Moses and the Ten Commandments etched into tablets of stone on Mt. Sinai that became the foundation of their worship and life together, the Ark of the Covenant. The Ninth Commandment forbids false witness, for God’s law leads to God’s truth about who we are and …

The Voice Inside You

ACFWAdvice, Authors and writing, Encouragement, Faith, Friends of ACFW, tips, writing 1 Comment

By Nancy Mehl @nancymehl When I first started writing, I was excited about the future. I finally knew who I was. What I was born to do! But after a while I began to realize just how much work it was going to take. How much it would impact time spent with my family and my friends. It was clear …

A Story’s Right to Life

ACFWAdvice, Authors and writing, Encouragement, Fear/Doubt, writing 2 Comments

by Felicia Ferguson @Felicia_writer Christopher Hitchins is quoted as saying, “Everyone has a book in them and that, in most cases, is where it should stay.” But what about those lesser cases? Those stories that do need to be released? Need to be given life? January 22nd was Sanctity of Human Life Sunday, and while I fully support a human’s …

Cookies & Ice Cream, the Who, What, Where, When & Why

ACFWAuthors and writing, Organization, Plots, Story Structure, tips, writing 10 Comments

By Desiree Future @Desiree_Future As an avid movie watcher, I enjoy various kinds of flicks. Faith-based, drama, action, and romance always intrigue me. Sometimes, I’ll plop on my sofa with my cat on my lap and take in a good show. Other times, I’ll head to the movie theater to see the matinee of a new screening. Recently I was …