Plotter or “Pantser” – Is One Better than the Other?

ACFWAdvice, Authors and writing, Brainstorming, Friends of ACFW, Outlines, Plots, Plotting/Outlines, writing Leave a Comment

By Lori Domingo @LoriDomingo22 If someone had asked me that question a year ago, I would have proudly declared, “I’m a pantser. I never write from a plot outline. It’s too confining.” I had managed to complete one manuscript without it, and was hard-pressed when I was required to write one for one of my MA classes. It was something …

Reflecting the Gospel Through Our Characters

ACFWAdvice, Authors and writing, Characters, creativity, Faith, writing Leave a Comment

by M.D. House @Real_HouseMD At first blush, this doesn’t seem like such a difficult task. But when we examine the recent success of The Chosen—and all of the painstaking work which has gone into not just the cinematography but the storytelling itself—we realize the steep challenge involved in securing the sweet promise of that goal. Such stories and their characters …

Where Do I Fit In?

ACFWAdvice, Encouragement, Faith, Perseverance, writing 3 Comments

By Marilyn Turk @MarilynTurk In this vast, unpredictable world of writing, do you ever wonder where you fit in? I do. Although we try to avoid labeling people, the publishing business does this for us. Here are some examples: 1. Prepublished? Published? Multi-published? 2. Are you with a major publisher? Small press? Independent? Hybrid publisher? 3. Are you an A-listed …

Writing Celebration into Our Stories            

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by Susan Lyttek  @SusanLyttek Only within the last month, we have celebrated my dad’s birthday, our 40th anniversary, our son’s birthday, Father’s Day, and Independence Day. A lot of rejoicing and honoring has been going on. And that’s a good thing. Our God is a God of the holiday and celebration. As such, we need to weave such days into …

Reach THE END, Press SEND, Repeat

ACFWAdvice, Authors and writing, Books, Distraction, Encouragement, Procrastination, tips, writing Leave a Comment

By Kathleen Y’Barbo-Turner @KathleenYBarbo As the author of more than 100 books, I often get asked how I manage to write all those books. My answer? One book at a time! I know, but it’s true. I also get asked for my secret to how I manage to reach THE END and press SEND time after time. Please understand I …

Gary the Groundhog Saved My Column

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By Jenny Powell It all started when I moved my medical office into the second story of a professional building with giant windows facing Highway 54. I would stare out the window at the small wooded area there whilst contemplating a befuddling set of symptoms, seeking diagnosis. That was where I first saw Gary. The large groundhog waddled purposefully through …

Unexpected Perks (or Blessings) from being an Author

ACFWAdvice, Authors and writing, Encouragement, writing 1 Comment

by Marilyn Turk @MarilynTurk Someone once said, “I don’t enjoy writing, but I enjoy having written.” I have to agree with that statement. While I find it miraculous the way a story develops while I write, I didn’t expect the process to be so hard. At least for me, the perfectionist over-achiever pantser, it is. And part of the added …

What is Stronger than a Mother’s Love?

ACFWcreativity, Encouragement, Friends of ACFW, writing Leave a Comment

by Ifueko Ogbomo As a writer of Biblical Fiction, I often ponder about the lives of the Bible’s heroes and heroines. Given that it’s Mother’s Day tomorrow, my musings today surround biblical mothers and their sons. Most famous of them all is Mary. The virgin who became a mother in the most unexpected and unique manner and would have surely …