Mastering the Puzzle

ACFWAdvice, Authors and writing, creativity, Learning, Organization, Outlines, Plotting/Outlines, tips, writing 9 Comments

By Loretta Eidson Most people enjoy putting puzzles together. We know it can be quick entertainment or a time-consuming, tedious challenge, depending on the number and size of the pieces. Separating straight edges from the others and forming the outline help bring the size of the picture into focus. Some may dump the remaining pieces on the table for a …

Do You Outline, or Do You Write into the Dark?

ACFWAdvice, Authors and writing, Brainstorming, Characters, Outlines, Plots, Plotting/Outlines, tips, writing 10 Comments

By Glynn Young @ gyoung9751 A problem developed while I was writing my fifth novel. The problem had to do with what I conceived as a minor character – a four-year-old boy who would grow to adulthood during the story. But he wasn’t the main character; far from it, in fact. He was supposed to have a bit role. Unfortunately, …

Mesmerizing Mysteries and How to Master Them

ACFWAuthors and writing, Mystery/Suspense, Organization, Plots, Plotting/Outlines, tips, writing 2 Comments

By Sarah Sundin @sarahsundin What makes a satisfying mystery? As in all novels, we need intriguing lead characters, a captivating premise, and a setting that supports the story on both a physical and emotional level. But mysteries also have a cast of suspects and an interwoven plot with suspects and investigators acting and reacting to each other. Ideally, the reader …

Plotter or “Pantser” – Is One Better than the Other?

ACFWAdvice, Authors and writing, Brainstorming, Friends of ACFW, Outlines, Plots, Plotting/Outlines, writing Leave a Comment

By Lori Domingo @LoriDomingo22 If someone had asked me that question a year ago, I would have proudly declared, “I’m a pantser. I never write from a plot outline. It’s too confining.” I had managed to complete one manuscript without it, and was hard-pressed when I was required to write one for one of my MA classes. It was something …

Honor the Craft

ACFWAdvice, Authors and writing, Friends of ACFW, Learning, Plots, Plotting/Outlines, Setting, writing Leave a Comment

By Henry McLaughlin James Scott Bell posted a blog called Don’t Ever Mail It In where he wrote about the attitude that we’ve reached a certain point in our writing where we don’t have to improve. What struck me most is his definition of a real writer. It’s someone who honors the craft and never settles. In this blog, I’m …