by Donna LH Smith Envy—according to Webster’s, it means feeling of discontent and ill will because of another’s advantages, possessions, etc., resentful disliked of another who has something that one desires. This goes back to Commandment #10: You shall not covet your neighbor’s house…etc. It’s natural to want things for ourselves. When we’re unpublished, we want to be published. When …
A Twist on Rejection
By Norma Gail Rejection. As writers, we all receive it. We all expect it. It’s never pleasant. However, it doesn’t have to be a bad thing. I was positive they would accept my second novel. It was a sequel. The publisher wanted it. I had worked my heart out. Rejection came out of nowhere. The editor couched her refusal in …
It Was Not You Who Sent Me Here
By Bethany Turner Today is deadline day. Not for a book. There are no edits to sift through, no dialogue to tighten, no scenes to mourn as they are mercilessly wisely slashed. But I’ve got to get this blog post done today if I am to even dream of staying on schedule with everything else in my life, and for …
Be Still
By Gabrielle Meyer Recently, I learned that one of the publishers I write for is closing their historical line. It was a blow I didn’t see coming as I watched my well-laid plans crash at my feet. After working for five years to get where I was, it felt like I was back at square one. I’d faced rejection letters …
My Trip to the Moon and Other Forgotten Miracles
By Patricia Beal Last week a reporter asked me if I ever thought my novel would get published, and that’s when I remembered the moon story. Someone once told me that getting a book published was like shooting the moon. “What are you really going to do with the rest of your life?” The conversation had bothered me, but I …
Five Smooth Stones
By Darlene L. Turner Then he took his staff in his hand, chose five smooth stones from the stream, put them in the pouch of his shepherd’s bag and, with his sling in his hand, approached the Philistine. 1 Sam 17:40 (NIV) Dawson lost his footing and fell backwards. The towering figure sneered, crooked teeth protruding. He crossed his arms …
What do you do with Rejection?
by Patricia Bradley I met a writer once who kept every rejection letter she ever received. Over 10,000 letters. I was thinking about her the other day, and not just her, but all the writers out there who keep writing through rejections. I was one of those writers. I never received 10,000 rejections, mostly because I didn’t send my manuscripts …
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