By Kathy J. Perry After my dad passed, I began evaluating what I was doing with my life. Suddenly, it seemed all too short. I just didn’t feel like what I was doing really made a difference. I felt like impacting youth was really what I wanted to do. I had been a teacher earlier in life and feel that …
When “No, Thank You” is Really “Not Yet”
By Kathleen Y’Barbo You keep track of my sorrows. You have collected my tears in your bottle. You record each one in your book. Psalm 56:8 The process from idea to publication is sometimes much more difficult than a writer expects. Fresh plots become words on a page. Those words are polished, deleted, and added back until the manuscript …
How to Get Your Work Published—Successfully
By Susan A.J. Lyttek I teach writing classes to homeschooled youth most every year. For the most dedicated writers among them, they always have one question. “How do I get published?” Twenty or thirty years ago I could have told them to do a, then b, then c and finally you’ll achieve the d of publication. The route is not …
Choose Your Publisher with Care
©2017 Deb Haggerty, MBA When an author begins to look at publishers to see where their book might fit, there are several things they should take into consideration. The same steps generally apply to agents as well. Does the publisher have a good reputation in the industry? With the proliferation of small, boutique publishers popping up constantly, you want to …
Choose Your Publisher with Care
By Deb Haggerty When an author begins to look at publishers to see where their book might fit, there are several things they should take into consideration. The same steps generally apply to agents as well. 1. Does the publisher have a good reputation in the industry? With the proliferation of small, boutique publishers popping up constantly, you want to …
3 Steps to Publication…Guaranteed!
by Lillian Duncan Let’s get right to the 3 steps to publication…guaranteed! As I’m sure you know all stories have a beginning, a middle, and an end. So the perfect formula for writing a great book, meaning publishable is… best beginning + marvelous middle + explosive ending = GREAT STORY! (and a book contract). Succeed with those three easy steps, …
Where Do I Fit?
By Ramona Richards A few weeks ago, I asked my Facebook followers a simple question: If you could ask an editor anything, what would be? The responses, for the most part, reminded me that editors don’t often communicate much about their side of the desk. For instance, this one from author Kellie Coates Gilbert: What is the single most critical …
Publishing Decisions and Changing Times
By Robin Johns Grant I just ran across a Publishers Weekly article titled, “Is Amazon Really the Devil?” I had to laugh. When I talk to writer friends these days and the subject of Amazon comes up, either we speak in tones of awe and reverence-or else someone shudders and winces, as though we are indeed speaking of the devil. …
Platform Isn’t a Dirty Word
By Ane Mulligan Everyone hates the word platform. But stay with me here. If you’re a writer, you need one. These days, only the top 10% or less of writers have people who do all the marketing for them. Let’s face it, the rest of us have to market. And you have to have a sphere of influence to market …
The Changing World of Publishing
by Rachel Hauck The world of publishing is changing. And you know this unless you just awoke from a long 10 year nap. There are more options available to writers today than ever before. The e-publishing entrepreneurs have changed the way we see book publishing. Writers around the world rejoice. Authors with no platform, or with a stack of rejections …