There’s a ground swell of excitement, rumbling across the country … The ACFW Conference is coming! September 20-23, 2007 in Dallas, TX, sponsored by the American Christian Fiction Writers, this premiere fiction conference brings together under one roof, one of the largest contingencies of editors and agents of any conference—all for fiction. This year there will be over 40 of …
Forty Days of Prayer – Day 36
Day 36–Those teaching continuing classes I Cor. 15:58–Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your toil is not in vain in the Lord.Abba Father, we thank you for the authors you’ve raised up to teach the continuing classes. Please grant them a double portion of wisdom in their teaching. In …
Chocolate memories
Pictured below are some self-confessed ACFW chocoholics. Far left is Meredith Efken, the gal with the parrot slippers and stuffed doggie is Tiff Miller. Not sure who is hiding behind them. To Tiff’s right sitting behind everyone is Annette Irby, in front in the black and white shirt is Vicki Cato, and the tired looking blonde chick to the very …
Forty Days of Prayer – Day 37
Day 37–ACFW members unable to attend the conference. Jer. 29:11–For I know the plans that I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope.Oh, dear Father in Heaven, sweet Lord Jesus, blessed Holy Spirit,Comforter, thank you for this reassurance to those whose hearts break because they cannot …
ACFW Conference Memories
It seems like I just got back from Colorado’s conference and now ACFW’s is coming up fast. The picture is of Julie Dearyan getting autographs from Colleen Coble, Kristin Billerbeck and Diann Hunt during the book signing at last year’s conference. This week I’ve been working on a narrative history of ACFW. It’s hard to believe the organization is already …
Forty Days of Prayer – Day 38
Day 38–James Scott BellJer. 1:9–Then the Lord stretched out His hand and touched my mouth, and the Lord said to me, Behold, I have put My words in your mouth.I thank you, Father, according to Jeremiah 1:9, for touching the mouth of Mr. James Scott Bell. I thank you for putting your words in his mouth, Lord. And just as …
Forty Days of Prayer – Day 39
Day 39–For the conference committee Rom. 15:5–Now may the God who gives perseverance and encouragement grant you to be of the same mind with one another according to Christ Jesus. Father God, thank You for Your omnipotence, Your omnipresence, Your omniscience. In your sovereignty, you have chosen each committee member and have a plan for every one of them which …
40 Days of Prayer – Day 40
Starting today and counting down each day to Conference registration, we will post a prayer here for the Conference; its preparations, the people involved, every aspect of the event. We owe a big thanks to Sally Bradley for coordinating this by collecting prayers written by ACFW members and assimilating them into the 40-day format. Sally, or someone else when she …
Interview with Editor Krista Stroever
Welcome Krista Stroever, senior editor of Steeple Hill to the blog! Thanks for joining us, Krista. I’d like to talk about the upcoming ACFW conference in September. Robin: You’ve attended various conferences over the years. In your opinion, what makes ACFW’s conference stand out from the others? Krista: Few of the conferences I attend (with the exception of some of …
Interview with Steve Laube
ACFW CONFERENCE INTERVIEW with “The” Steve Laube. Ronie Kendig interviewed her agent about the upcoming conference….here’s that interview. I am delighted to host an interview with my fabulous agent, Steve Laube. He really gave great consideration in answering questions to help those attending the ACFW Conference in Dallas, September 20-23. ____________________________ Tell us a bit about yourself. I lived the …