I’m still very much looking forward to the ACFW (American Christian Fiction Writers) conference this September in Minneapolis. ACFW has maintained a relaxed, celebratory atmosphere where the editors can be real and enjoy getting to know authors. It is a blessing for me to be at a conference where everyone is speaking the same language — FICTION. I’ve made a …
My Own Cheering Section
I grew up in a home that, because of my father’s alcoholism and all the baggage that comes with it, I became what I called a self-contained unit. I had very little expectation of support, encouragement or advice free of judgment; I learned to accomplish things and make decisions in isolation. It never occurred to me how much more I …
Tons of Fun and No Sin Involved
Just recently, we hosted VBS at our church. At the end of the week, one of the girls told her grandmother, “We had so much fun and there was no sin involved.†We all got a kick out of her comment, but then realized how true (and wonderful!) her observation is! Isn’t it great that Christians can gather together and …
Cheryl Wyatt’s Thoughts
Hello! Welcome to my wing of the ACFW conference tour. Here is a link to the conference page: I can’t wait to see you in Minneapolis, and meet some of you for the first time! Be sure and come up to introduce yourselves. I’m going to take this opportunity to share some conference experiences I’ve had (some REALLY EMBARRASSING and …
Conference is Coming Soon
ACFW Conference is Coming Soon! Wondering exactly what happens at writing conferences? Today’s the day for me to highlight the 2008 ACFW Conference. To read a minute-by-minute report about last year’s conference–practically in real time–click on the following links. They’re very detailed and packed with pictures of me stalking famous people and people who will be famous soon. Of course, …
ACFW: I’ll be Back This Year
I missed ACFW last year, but a newborn was a good excuse, right? 🙂 I’m very excited to meet up with everyone again, experience the awesome general sessions and worship time, and just soak in all I can about Christian publishing to help me be a better fiction editor. Getting to check out the Mall of America is a nice …
2008 Book of the Year Finalists
Without further ado, congrats to all the finalists: ACFW’s 2008 Book of the Year Finalists: (I have so many friends on this list — the awards ceremony will be a blast as I cheer everybody on!) Debut Author Bayou Justice (Robin Miller writing as Robin Caroll) In Between (Jenny B. Jones) Sushi for One? (Camy Tang) My Soul Cries Out …
A member’s perspective
There’s a lot of buzz about the upcoming ACFW conference in Minneapolis, MN, September 18-21, 2008. To find out more details and read more blog entries about it go to https://www.acfw.com/ or www.acfw.com/conference. I’ve been reading several of the blogs and thought I would do something a little different–an acrostic like some of the chapters in the book of Psalms. …
Why ACFW is always on my schedule
Here are Rusty Shelton’s thoughts on the conference. Rusty is with Phenix & Phenix Literary Publicists and a regular attendee at the conference. I started going to the ACFW conference three years ago and it has become one of my favorite events. When I initially made the decision to start attending the conference, it was partly due to the fact …
Author Cheryl Wyatt’s Memories
Hello! Welcome to my wing of the ACFW conference tour. Here is a link to the <A HREF=”www.acfw.com/conference”>conference page:</A> I can’t wait to see you in Minneapolis, and meet some of you for the first time! Be sure and come up to introduce yourselves. I’m going to take this opportunity to share some conference experiences I’ve had (some REALLY EMBARRASSING …