By Kim Gilliland
Writing. I can’t speak for anyone else, but for me to put my thoughts on paper is a driving force. However, if no one reads my words, is it like the proverbial tree in the forest – when it falls, does it really make a sound? If no one else reads my words, then what good are they? Do they make a difference? Perhaps every writer, famed or not, feels this way.
The Lord provides each of us with gifts. The bible even makes a list. Romans 12: 6-8 Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them: if prophecy, in proportion to our faith; if service, in our serving; the one who teaches, in his teaching; the one who exhorts, in his exhortation; the one who contributes, in generosity; the one who leads, with zeal; the one who does acts of mercy, with cheerfulness.
Great writing, I believe, is a gift from the Lord, but doesn’t meaningful writing from the heart have its place too? If we believe we have some modicum of talent, and we believe we are the Lords creation, then shouldn’t we use that talent? I ask this of myself quite often. I hold no awards, no accolades from prominent publishers, not even a book deal, but yet I strive on. And to what purpose I ask myself? In the end, I suppose, I write not for scads of money or fame…thank goodness, since I haven’t acquired either…but because I cannot not write.
Aristotle once said, “The exercise of vital powers, along lines of excellence, in a life affording scope.” Like many, I assume, I am driven to write, to exercise my vital powers regularly. I have a blog. It’s an outlet to express my beliefs and emotions, but there’s another more important reason. I pray that just one person will glean something meaningful from my ramblings. I like to imagine my words moving my readers, whether to laughter or tears or to simply ponder life more deeply. I want to know they are making a difference; perhaps I even need to know they are making a difference. A hundred or a thousand years from now, if the world still exists, will any of my words be quoted like Aristotle? Even if I believe the answer to be no, it won’t stop me. And I pray it doesn’t stop any writer from striving for the possibility. For now, I pray everyone endeavoring to reach others through their words finds success in a way that best suits them. Whether it is fame, or fortune, or fulfillment, or one more friend on their blog page. For now, in such a time as this, it is in placing the words on paper that keep my dream alive and therefore hopefully, builds the dreams of others. Write on dear friends. Write on.
Kim Gilliland (K.A.Neely, her pseudonym) has written a cozy mystery, Murder with a View, and writes a weekly Christian blog. She lives in North Carolina, but will always call western Pennsylvania home. She is a Jesus follower, a wife, a sister, a grandmother, and a friend, and prays she shines His light in all of those relationships.
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Kim, I appreciate your candid words. I actually read this post before heading out to work this morning at 4:00 AM (this is the first chance I’ve had to reply) and your encouragement definitely jump-kicked my day on the right path.
Keep on writing, and yes, because you have to.
I have to!
Because He says so 🙂