Why Write a Biblical Novel?

ACFWAdvice, Authors and writing, Encouragement, Faith, tips, writing 13 Comments

By Linda Dindzans @lindadindzans

First… What is a biblical novel?

The vast cast of biblical characters is both historic and religious. They are not fictional. Their lives, faith, and teachings are accurately recorded in scripture.

A biblical novel is not scripture. The tale is generated in the “offstage space” of the settings and characters of the sixty-six books of the Bible. The author may utilize both fact and fiction to create a work that offers Truth, redemption, and restoration.

There are a Trinity of reasons to write a biblical Novel…


Because it is God’s will for you. You have no doubt God has called you to write this story. Because there is a story that wakes you in the morning, tugs at your heart and mind and soul during the day and lingers with you as you fall asleep. A story that may not be easy to bear or easy to write. Because the story clamors for a voice. Your voice. A story that makes your heart leap in your chest. And your pen race in your hand.


Because the call to write this tale will bring you closer to the Son.

God has appointed the times of our birth and death. Both are perfect. Living in the world today, you have the benefit of the whole revelation of scripture. What if you did not? Would your response have been relief or disbelief? Certainty or confusion?

When you write, you become the POV character. With a biblical novel, the author is transported back to the treacherous times of the Bible. And it becomes personal. What would it have been like to live in a time when the simple tasks of daily living, such as drawing water from a well, drained time and energy. Or to stare death in the face so closely and so often? Many mothers and fathers mourned the loss of an infant or young child. Many mourned the early death of a spouse from illness, childbirth, or violence from man or beast.

What would it have been like to experience John’s call to repentance and baptism? To witness Jesus or one of the apostles set the religious, political, and spiritual landscape on fire? Or to feel the Savior’s touch of forgiveness or healing?


The call to write a biblical novel is a call to spiritual growth as a Christian Creative. The quest to write a story that rings true both in history and scripture can be daunting. Careful research and Bible study will unveil truths for you that serve to confirm and strengthen your faith and further enlighten the radical claims of Jesus.

A long-standing fascination with Bible study and ancient history led me to a steady diet of the novels of Francine Rivers, Bodie and Brock Thoene, and many others. Years later, when devouring the riveting works of Mesu Andrews, Angela Hunt, and Tosca Lee, stories began to come to me. Stories I suddenly had the will, but not the skill, to write. That was twelve years ago. Since that time, I have studied the craft of writing and been critiqued, mentored, and encouraged by many ACFW members.

There are a Trinity of Reasons to write a Biblical Novel @lindadindzans #writing #Biblicalnovels #Christianauthors #ACFW #Faith Share on X

My desire was to create a novel that, captures the compelling times and nature of Yeshua of Nazareth. And a story that entices the reader to further consider the claims of His Story, the Bible. My debut biblical novel A Certain Man is scheduled for release by Scrivenings Press in August 2024.

Linda Dindzans, M.D. is a writer with the heart of a healer who offers readers stories of redemption and restoration. Though her compelling characters inhabit the treacherous times of the Bible, Linda believes there is nothing new under the sun. The struggles of her characters still speak to hearts today.


Comments 13

    1. Thank you! I think it is a genre that adds to any other genres you like to read. And if you write, It is Cross-training!

  1. That is my sincere hope and I believe the hope of all of those who choose to write and read this genre!

  2. Hi Linda. I admire authors who can bring stories from the Bible to vibrant life through knowledge of the Word combined with engaging fictional skills. I love the way you weave the importance of the Trinity into your motivation for writing n this genre. Congratulations on your upcoming release! May your message reach the hearts of many!

    1. Will be interested in your thoughts. People reactions I’m sure at some level will help formulate the next one.

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