By DiAnn Mills
What puts you behind in marketing and promotion your novel? Perhaps you’ve been hit with health problems, personal issues, unseen travel, or maybe you didn’t know how or when to pre-launch a book.
Don’t despair! The following eight tips will help tie up the date with a big, green bow etched in dollar signs. Even if you have only one month until your book appears on retailers’ shelves.
1. Enlist others to spread the word via social media. Word of mouth is the best way to promote our work. I’m not talking about influencers knocking on doors (they could), but using their social media platforms to let others know about your book and why it will be a positive addition to their lives. Ask them to visit their local book stores to ensure your book will be on their shelves.
2. Develop Tweets and Facebook posts that entice readers. Make sure you are meeting their needs not just spouting accolades about yourself. Post regularly. Use hashtags to draw attention to your topic. Include @YourName on Twitter so others can follow you.
3. Ask friends and followers to post a review on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, CBD, and other retail outlets. This is a biggie. Get a book or e-book into the hands of those who love your work. Many readers (like me) base their next read on reviews.
4. Deliver bookmarks to retail books stores in your area. Forgot to order them? Use your computer and create a professional and pleasing bookmark that not only encourages readers with a powerful story, but also contains a bio, photo, and contact information for you. Print them out and share!
5. Reach out to your community for speaking engagements. The library is a great place to begin. Readers love to hear about the creation process and want to form a relationship with the author.
6. Bookstores welcome a personable author who adores readers. Make your event grand, colorful, and exciting.
7. Plan an online giveaway with great prizes.
8. Lead the reader to your website where they can connect with you on social media. Relationships are designed to last a lifetime.
When the month is over, keep up the momentum! In addition to reviewing the above seven tips, add others. Keep a spreadsheet on progress. What would you do differently the next time? Where would you place more effort?
Okay, writers, here is the scenario: You have only one month to promote your book before the release date. What will you do first?
DiAnn Mills is a bestselling author who believes her readers should expect an adventure. Her titles have appeared on the CBA and ECPA bestseller lists; won two Christy Awards; the Inspirational Readers’ Choice, and Carol award contests. Connect with DiAnn here:
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I am so glad you choose this topic, DiAnn. I’m sitting here with a broken rib and a broken pelvis (cracked instead of shattered, praise God!) after a driver ran a light and hit straight into my door last Sunday. Only by the grace of God and the heavy construction of a 1-ton pickup am I not dead.
My tip is to get your upcoming release in the ACFW Fiction Finder. Each month, the upcoming releases are sent cut-and-paste ready for those of us who signed up to post it on our own websites or blogs.
A big warning: Although the information is labeled “new releases,” it really means “upcoming releases.” I’m self-publishing so we can keep the rights and use my novels to support missions. I’m creating as professional a product as possible with professional cover, interior design, and editing. My debut novel released at Amazon mid-November (that’s new, right?) and already has two unsolicited 5-star reviews. I was counting on it appearing in the Dec. 1 list to get Christmas sales. It didn’t appear because the list was compiled by a database search on December releases. The ACFW web manager explained this and graciously added it to the ACFW website post, but it didn’t go out to this distribution or get sent to all of us who post it on our own websites or blogs. I was probably overwrought by the accident already, but I sat and cried two Kleenex worth over being left off the list.
So my tip is to make sure you get your novel up in the ACFW Fiction Finder the month before you release. Then many of us will use that “New Releases” blog post to help your discoverability.
Hi Carol, hope you feel better soon! Here’s a prayer for a speedy recovery.
Thanks for the great tip – proactive!
Thanks so much for your prayers! Please pray for the recovery of the woman who hit me, too. Her airbag stopped her, but I think her knee got hurt.
Thanks for your post, DiAnn! I would first pray and ask Holy Spirit to give me a strategy for marketing. Then I would do what He says to do.