What’s Your Season?

ACFWAdvice, Authors and writing, Encouragement, Friends of ACFW, writing Leave a Comment

By Kathy Parish

My birthday is May 29th. I’ll not mention the year of my birth, but be assured that for all of those Facebook posts about “Share if you remember this” or “Do you know what this is?” I can answer affirmatively. (I don’t share, though. After all, who needs to know that I remember days pre-microwave and DVD and cable TV and computers?)

However, my birthday always brings a time of retrospection as well as anticipation. Looking back over a lifetime of seasons can be informative. The seasons of motherhood, of grandmotherhood, and now, for me, great-grandmotherhood bring joy and a sense of “where did the time go?” My role as daughter has certainly transitioned from one of dependency to caregiving. The role of wife develops new layers of intimacy and love with every day that passes.

Then there’s the season of work. My forty plus years of working as a nurse will, one of these days, come to a close. However, I think I will forever be, at my heart, a nurse. Nursing as a profession and calling becomes a part of one’s identity in a very special way.

And now I have entered a new season. The season of my calling as a writer. Writing has always been a part of my life as I journaled and wrote little articles and devotionals. Now with two indie-published novels and the start of another, I am called an author. To be absolutely honest, that’s a little intimidating.

People tell me they enjoy my stories. They regularly ask when the next will be out. But to be called “author?” That implies some level of success that I have not yet reached. That I have not yet reached because of lack of expertise? Lack of time? Lack of self-discipline? All of the above. Let’s reiterate the lack of time.

I find myself constantly conflicted, working fulltime at one thing while feeling guilty that I am not accomplishing more in my role as author. I reassure myself with the words of Solomon in Ecclesiastes 3:1-8. He describes many seasons and reminds that “there is a time for every purpose under heaven.”

And so I enter a time of anticipation. I am called to nurse, but those days will come to a close. And, as my wise mother told me, the days and weeks and months and years fly faster away with every year of my life. So I can look forward to the time when I will have more time to write, more time to learn, more time to promote and market my work and, even, more time to read to stimulate my mind and stir the creative juices!

My task today is to be aware of the source of all seasons, our Heavenly Father. My charge today is to spend quality time reading His Word, meditating on it and on His greatness, and diligently praying for his guidance as I strive to live as one called (purposed) to write. The purpose for all that I write is to glorify God and draw others to a closer walk with Him. Thank you for sharing that purpose with me.

To everything, even writing, there is a season; what is yours? @parish_kathy #ACFWblogs #writing Share on X

Kathy Parish lives with her beloved husband, daughter, grandson, and miniature Schnauzers, Piper and Princess, in central Arkansas. She is joyfully anticipating the arrival of great-grandchildren, numbers 2 and 3. Faith in Christ is the foundation of her life. An actively practicing cardiology nurse practitioner, she has indie published two inspirational romances, Freely Given and Colorado’s Choice.


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