What’s In Your Corner?

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By Chandra Lynn Smith

We writers are a different sort. If you disagree with me, ask your family what they think. In our family of six, my oldest son, the actor, is often the one who ‘gets it.’ The rest of the family gives us the deer-in-the-headlights stare.

Writers use a specific type of pen, notebook, size lead or ink. Whether we choose an HP, Acer, Mac or any other brand, we are computer snobs. We have our favorite font, size, and spacing. And we use that choice when writing, even if we know we must change the formatting before submission. And, we’re almost a writing invalid without the proper equipment. Admit it folks, it’s true.

Writers not only listen to the voices in our heads, we give them names and call them characters. We talk to them, argue with them, and sometimes get mad at them when we don’t like the way they say their story should go. We cry with them and for them, a fact which confuses those who are not writers.

We cringe from our critique partners suggestions and decide they probably didn’t read it right. Then, after the tantrum is over we realize if our partners don’t get it, neither will our readers, so we make the changes.

We celebrate the successes of others while entertaining moments of frustration that our turn hasn’t yet arrived.

Writers are a bit quirky. While we may think we keep our little peculiarities secret from the rest of the world, one look at our desks tells a different story. Our writing corners speak, no, shout, to everyone who sees them.

The old TV version of Cinderella had the perfect song. The best line was “In my own little corner, in my own little room, I can be whatever I want to be . . .” Whether it’s a library, a huge study or a desk against the wall, every writer needs a corner.
blog- Chandra
So, what’s in your corner? Take a moment and look around. My corner has books, pens, my Bible, photos of my family, my turtle and Willow Tree collections. My desk faces the window where I can see the birds at the feeders and watch as the seasons change the look of our old barn. The rocking chair beside the shelves laden with books invites me to sit for a spell. The radio is usually on the station my main character enjoys.

Yes, we are funny people who are made in the image of our most creative God. The Master storyteller, who often went off to a lonely place Himself, gives us this task of telling stories. Celebrate your quirkiness, absorb the inspiration and solace of your corner. And, to quote ACFW’s own Susan May Warren, “go write something brilliant.”

Chandra Lynn SmithChandra Smith has been a member of ACFW since 2006. She is a 2015 Genesis Finalist, 2013 and 2014 Genesis semi-finalist, and a 2014 bronze medalist in the MBT Frasier contest. Chandra is a Certified Professional Dog Trainer and owns Best Friend Dog Training. She writes the column Letters From the Dog House for The Evening Sun. She lives on a small farm in South Central Pennsylvania with her husband, four sons, and four dogs.

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