By Kariss Lynch
I’m always cooking up a new story. The problem? I can’t write them as fast as I can concoct them. And somehow the thoughts don’t always make the batter very creamy. (Can you tell I’ve been baking and watching too many episodes of Cake Wars in quarantine?) Sometimes I have to a look at a new way of compiling the elements in my story. And sometimes, I need to set a story aside, chew on it, and then come back to play with the ingredients.
That’s what I’m doing now. I’ve had a story I’ve worked on for a couple years. By far the longest I have ever given myself to work on a book. Ever. But now it’s time to finish, which means time for the dreaded editing rounds.
Right now, I’m taking a good, long, hard look at my first few chapters. I want them to really intrigue the palate. But that means that some ingredients need to be mixed in a different order. Some need to be cut entirely. And some new possibilities might be just around the corner.
I think “possibility” should be a life theme for the Christian writer. In his book Roaring Lambs, Bob Briner says, “Christians with direct access to the Creator of the universe and with the indwelling of the Holy Spirit should be and could be the most brilliantly dazzling artists imaginable.” In Courageous Creative, Jenny Randle says, “ God holds the key to unlock new possibility—all we have to do is ask. When you invite Holy Spirit into your creative process, you’re asking for new inspiration and ideas to reflect God’s creative heart. You are seeking Holy Spirit to define your purpose for each piece, speech, or creative endeavor.”
The idea is this: We have been called and gifted to write in some form or fashion. We have freedom to add our ingredients, to determine the flavor we are shooting for, but only mixing those together with the Holy Spirit will help your writing really be all it was meant to be. He holds the recipe to new mixtures, flavors, and possibilities. And when we write with the Creator of the universe, the possibilities are endless.
Sometimes there are different ways to make a recipe. Sometimes there are different ways to write an epic story. But always, there is a God ready to be invited into the process and supply His creative children with a piece of His own heart to write the story needed in just that season. Write on (and bake on), my friend, and explore the possibilities.
The Art of Baking and Writing a Story @Kariss_Lynch #ACFWBlogs #writetips #ACFWCommunity Share on XKariss Lynch is the author of the Heart of a Warrior series and loves writing romance about characters with big dreams, adventurous hearts, and enduring hope. In her free time, Kariss goes on adventures with her own personal handsome hero, explores the great outdoors, and tries not to plot five stories at once. Connect with her at, or on Facebook, Instagram, or Goodreads.
Comments 2
Some thought I’d write a memoir
of derring-do and high intrigue
in places where it seems war
is something like a bowling league.
But I already lived those days;
there was no joy in going back
to hurt meself in myriad ways
with all the blood there to unpack.
And so the Lord set plans astir,
and put me squarely on it
to make me now the modern master
of the Shakespearean sonnet.
Yes, I know they’ll never sell,
but it’s fun, so what the h***.
No, my ego’s not that big, and I’m not the modern master of anything; the term just fit the rhyme and meter pretty well, and I figured it was good for a laugh.
And, for what it’s worth, ‘meself’ in line 7 is deliberate; it scans better than ‘myself’.
Since I love cooking and baking, I resonated with your comparison of baking to the novel writing process. Thank you. And I haven’t heard someone quote from “Roaring Lambs” in a long time. Loved that book. I like what Dan Allender said in his book, “Leading With A Limp,” that if I tried to fulfill my calling by God on my own, it would end up a disaster. But when I ask Him to partner with me, the possibilities are unlimited. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with all of us.