I often wonder why Christians choose to write inspirational fiction books. Some might be sending a specific, heartfelt message. Some could be out there with that hope to eventually become wealthy. Some could be voracious readers, and hear themselves saying, “I can do that too.” What about those who simply need something to do as they sit in front of their computers?
Why does a believer choose to write that book with a Christian worldview?
Then I asked myself. Why do I? What is it I want to offer to my readers? What message am I hoping to send?
I certainly know I’ll never become wealthy as a writer. That’s all right.
I don’t write simply because I love to read, although it is true, there have been times when I’ve said to myself, “I know I can do that.”
I’m not just looking for something to do while I sit in front of my computer. That’s a fact. My days are already full with all I have on my plate from morning until night.
I do know this.
- For me, there has to be a purpose. Do I have one in my story?
- For me, there has to be some kind of message I want to convey to my reader. In other words, does my story have one? For if there isn’t a message somewhere in the story for my reader to grasp onto, like taking hold of a valuable gold nugget, what’s the significance for writing it? Why does it even matter?
- I also know, before I even begin, I find myself doing what I think is necessary for any Christian writer.
- Ask God what my goal truly is, and even if I have a goal.
- Ask God who I supposed to reach with this particular story.
- Ask God what the moral of my story be. What meaning do I wish to send to my readers?
As my characters come to life, and they should in the eyes of my readers, how will I make those characters have anything of value to say, to teach, or to offer that is lasting?
Even before I begin to put pen to paper (or font to page) I know I definitely need to spend good quality time in God’s Word. Isn’t it He, after all, Who will give me the proper focus and inspiration in the first place? Without Him as part of the process, it would take little time to acknowledge what little good the words I am about to deliver would bring anything of use to anyone tomorrow.
God tells me in His Word, even when it comes to my telling a story, my words and mine alone will come to nothing. They will accomplish nothing. So why would I even think of choosing to go that way?
When God leads the writer every step of the way — from beginning to end… even through the sagging middle, the story as a whole will reveal how much it was inspired by Him. After all, no one since the beginning of time has been more poetic or creative than the Almighty God.
- He’s the One who inspired the Psalms.
- He’s the One who brings alive every word I read in the Scriptures.
- He’s the One who puts songs in my heart that touch my soul (just as my story should do).
- He’s the One who causes me to weep, to have joy, to laugh.
- He’s the One who overwhelms me with His love and fills me with an overflowing sense of life.
- He’s also the One who gives me that rhythm and cadence I’ll need for each page, like that steady beating of my heart.
So why wouldn’t He then be the One who also gives that heart-rending story that needs to be put to page?
As a Christian woman who chooses to write inspirationally, if I take hold of that spiritual writing mirror, and look within to see what He wants me to see, I will recognize Christian fiction writing as it should be.
- a story that takes on His nature
- a story that comes from my heart of hearts
- most of all, a story that guarantees to leave a lasting and inspired message.
What do you see when you look in your inspirational-writing mirror?
Learn more about Shirley Kiger Connolly and her books at her website.