The Five Be’s of Brainstorming

ACFWAdvice, Authors and writing, Brainstorming, tips, writing 7 Comments

by Darlene L. Turner Brainstorming plays a significant part in every author’s writing process. Doesn’t matter if it’s non-fiction or fiction, we need to spend time mulling over our thoughts before we put our pen to paper. But what exactly is brainstorming? Seems like an odd question, but let’s look at the definition from “A technique for generating ideas …

Wisdom from the Writer’s Desk: Five Lessons Learned

ACFWAdvice, Authors and writing, Encouragement, Faith, Learning, tips, writing, writing 4 Comments

by Elle E. Kay Publishing my twentieth Christian fiction novel this year has been a significant milestone. In addition to my published works, I have several unpublished manuscripts, one non-fiction book, and two children’s books. It’s been a long and arduous journey from that first non-fiction title to my latest novel. There has been much trial and error, with some …

Mastering the Puzzle

ACFWAdvice, Authors and writing, creativity, Learning, Organization, Outlines, Plotting/Outlines, tips, writing 9 Comments

By Loretta Eidson Most people enjoy putting puzzles together. We know it can be quick entertainment or a time-consuming, tedious challenge, depending on the number and size of the pieces. Separating straight edges from the others and forming the outline help bring the size of the picture into focus. Some may dump the remaining pieces on the table for a …

Dog, dogs, and more dogs as the star or supporting characters in fiction

ACFWAuthors and writing, Characters, writing 2 Comments

by Cindy Ervin Huff @Cindyhuff11Huff As a writer, I’m an avid reader and find there are lots of interesting books written either from a dog’s POV or surrounding dogs. Some are lap dogs that share their opinion with the reader about their human or working dogs that save the day repeatedly. Some are super friendly while others are aggressive and …

Do You Outline, or Do You Write into the Dark?

ACFWAdvice, Authors and writing, Brainstorming, Characters, Outlines, Plots, Plotting/Outlines, tips, writing 10 Comments

By Glynn Young @ gyoung9751 A problem developed while I was writing my fifth novel. The problem had to do with what I conceived as a minor character – a four-year-old boy who would grow to adulthood during the story. But he wasn’t the main character; far from it, in fact. He was supposed to have a bit role. Unfortunately, …

Singing the Song of Life

ACFWAdvice, Authors and writing, Encouragement, Faith, tips, writing 1 Comment

by Christine Sunderland @Chrisunderland One of the great mysteries of life is that we must pass through death to live life eternal. And so Christians follow Christ through the gates of Jerusalem, break bread with him in the upper room, pray with him in the garden, follow him to his death on the cross, and mourn with his mother Mary, …

How to Write a Detective Team

ACFWAdvice, Authors and writing, Characters, Mystery/Suspense, tips, writing 3 Comments

by JPC Allen I’ll state the obvious: if you want to write a mystery, you must have a detective. But detectives come in all shapes and sizes, so you have a lot of room to develop an interesting main character. As you write, you might find your story is better if you have a duo of detectives. When I began …