by Terri Reed When I first started on this writing journey, I attended many workshops where the speaker said to start your openings with dialogue. Other speakers touted that opening with action was best, while still others said setting is the way to go. Personally, I’ve opened books, scenes and chapters with a variety of different approaches. I don’t believe …
What’s in a Hook?
By Darlene L. Turner A perfect bait increases a fisherman chances of catching a fish. They take their time and ease thatwiggly worm onto the hook before lowering their line into the water. It’s just as important for a writer to do the same with a novel. Forget the worms and the book will fall flat. How can we do …
Pitch It!
By Ginny L. Yttrup DEFINE IT! HOOK & PITCH HOOK For fiction, your hook is the conflict or questions you craft that compel the reader to seek resolution or answers. PITCH A pitch is the honed, abbreviated version of the longer hook. Your pitch is used for marketing purposes or to sell a book to an agent, editor, or reader. …