A New Writer’s Journey: Five Tips to save you a lot of heartache!

ACFWAdvice, Authors and writing, Brainstorming, Critiques, Editing, Encouragement, Learning, Perseverance, POV, tips, writing 6 Comments

by Lisa Larsen Hill I wrote my biblical novel during the pandemic. Looking back at my journey, I wish I could’ve told myself, “Don’t worry. Don’t lose sleep (unless your characters are talking to you), and you’re about to start an amazing journey better than you could’ve planned. God will guide you.” Here are my biggest lessons. Learn from your …

Critique Groups! Who Needs Them?

ACFWAdvice, Authors and writing, Critiques, Encouragement, writing 9 Comments

By Loretta Eidson Critique groups are a must for all writers regardless of status or number of published books. No one is beyond the need for a fresh set of eyes to read over their written work. Critique group members search for misspelled words, typos, grammatical errors, punctuation, and a host of other potential problems will help polish the manuscript …