The Wait

ACFWAdvice, Agents, Authors and writing, Editors, Encouragement, Friends of ACFW, tips, writing Leave a Comment

by Loretta Eidson The moment months of character building, plotting, and creativity end, anticipation builds. The novel is complete. With outstretched arms, take in a deep breath, shout for joy, and celebrate the success of a long writing journey. The sense of accomplishment feels grand. The next step is writing a lengthy synopsis and proposal. You tap away at the …

Diving into Writing

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By Bettie Boswell My birthday is today and it’s a big one. I’ll be officially diving into the senior category as I turn sixty-five and look forward to retirement from teaching. As an educator of over thirty two years I’ve also learned to be a student, since keeping ahead of the changing tide of education can often be like trying …

Christmas is Coming!

ACFWAdvice, Authors and writing, Friends of ACFW, writing 2 Comments

By DiAnn Mills Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat. Please put something in the reader’s lap. I admit my rhyming skills aren’t the most inspiring, but Christmas is knocking on our doors. Writer, what can we do this year for our readers? I don’t want to raise your stress level and push you to re-examine your gift-giving budget …

Amish Fiction and Evangelization

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By Dana R. Lynn “You’re an author? How exciting! What’s your new book called?” “Deadly Amish Reunion.” When people ask me what I write, I used to feel odd telling them that I wrote Amish fiction, mostly Amish suspense. Sometimes their faces would light up. Other times, it was obvious they were trying not to roll their eyes. People are …

Straddling the Fence

ACFWAdvice, Authors and writing, Encouragement, Faith, Friends of ACFW, writing 1 Comment

By Donna Wichelman Mathew 6:24 –“ No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and wealth” (NASB). If you are a Christian and a fiction author, perhaps you have squirmed over marrying the two identities and branding …

A Balancing Act

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by Shirley Gould Lately, life has been a balancing act as the coronavirus ended life as we know it and we faced major changes. Covid-19 caught us off-balance—totally unprepared. We have quarantined, worked from home, educated our children, and watched businesses close. Now we are social distancing, washing our hands, and wearing masks…and it’s not over yet. As writers of …

The Face of God

ACFWAdvice, Authors and writing, Encouragement, Faith, Fear/Doubt, Friends of ACFW, writing Leave a Comment

by Christine Sunderland Yesterday the Feast of St. Michael and All Angels was celebrated, when we recall how angels transfigure Earth with Heaven. They live among us, inspiring and protecting. They are guardians, guides, and messengers. In my recently published novel, Angel Mountain (Wipf and Stock Publishers) the Archangel Michael appears to hermit Abram with a message. Michael is a …

ACFW New Releases: September 2020

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September 2020 New Releases More in-depth descriptions of these books can be found on the ACFW Fiction Finder website. Contemporary Romance: Until I Met You by Tari Faris — Libby Kingsley dreams of a new life and a new library for the charming small town of Heritage, MI. Things get complicated when her big ideas threaten Austin Williams’ blueprints and …