ACFW's mission is to help you tell your stories by inspiring you to partner with God in the creative process, learn the craft, and find your audience.



ACFW Virtual Conference - Registration is now open!

Register today for ACFW's VIRTUAL Conference

Join us for ACFW’s Virtual Conference March 21-22 on-line, with an optional early bird session on March 20. Click HERE for all the details!

  • 2024 ACFW Christian Fiction and Industry Awards

    American Christian Fiction Writers is pleased to announce the 2024 award winners.  The awards were presented Saturday, September 7th at the annual ACFW Gala, which was held in New Orleans, Louisiana. American Christian Fiction Writers …Read More


Join the Premier Christian Fiction Writing Community

Join an international community that has helped thousands on their way to publication.

Networking • Critique groups • Education • Conferences


ACFW's National Conference

The premier conference for veteran authors and those just learning the craft. If you write Christian fiction—or want to learn how—the ACFW conference is an investment worth making.



New to ACFW?

Get the most out of your ACFW Membership! As a member, you have access to industry professionals, multi-published authors, critique groups, webinars, online courses and more. Use the links below to get started.

ACFW Author Opportunities on Fiction Finder

  • ACFW Author Opportunities

    ACFW members who are published may apply for ACFW’s Author Interview, posted on Fiction Finder weekly, as well as applying for ACFW’s monthly Book Club and more. Become an ACFW member today to take advantage of these opportunities!


Carol Ashby

I ALWAYS urge new writers to enter their work in Genesis. I also urge them to enter First Impressions with unfinished manuscripts. I was writing omniscient narrator POV when I first entered Genesis, and it was from comments by the judges that I learned today's market wanted 3rd person limited. So I learned how to do that and rewrote the 3 novels I'd entered to the more modern style. I attribute their market success to those rewrites. If I hadn't entered Genesis, taken to heart the suggestions made by the judges, and studied hard to learn and improve my craft, I wouldn't be enjoying the level of success I have. MANY THANKS TO EVERYONE INVOLVED WITH GENESIS WHO HELPED MAKE IT ALL POSSIBLE.

Carol Ashby



First Impressions

The FIRST IMPRESSIONS CONTEST gives unpublished writers the opportunity to have the first five pages of their Christian fiction manuscript evaluated by an industry professional.



The GENESIS CONTEST is the ACFW contest for unpublished Christian fiction writers. It provides the opportunity for unbiased feedback on writers' work by published authors and experienced judges, and the chance for the vfinalists to have their work read by Christian publishing house editors and literary agents. Finished manuscripts required.


The Carol

The CAROL AWARDS are ACFW’s recognition for the best Christian fiction published in the previous calendar year.