How Culture, Heritage, and Geographic Region Influence Our Stories

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By Cynthia Herron

Rich in heritage and unique in culture, The Ozarks region is a place like no other. Amidst a lush backdrop of rolling hills and hidden hollows, stories abound. Some remain elusive while others beg to be shared.

In Her Faith Restored, book three of the Welcome to Ruby series, Mel’s and Matt’s story takes center stage as they attempt to reconcile differences to work together for a common cause. Because many of us identify with a difficult co-worker at some point in our careers, readers are drawn into their frienemies-to-more story as it unfolds between the three hundred or so pages of this inspirational romance novel.

Regardless the genre, many authors can’t help but inject a bit of who we are into our stories. 

We’re shaped by the world in which we live, and we draw from those life experiences as we write. If we’re setting a book or an entire series in our own backyard, our connection to our story world mirrors those internal and external influences because we’ve lived that world firsthand.

Since HFR is set in the Ozarks, you might guess there are a lot of colorful characters, vivid colloquialisms, and unique elements in addition to the expected sparks, spice, and battle of wills.

Isn’t that what we love about a great story? Not knowing, and yet, sensing something big is in store for our characters?

Some of our favorite stories, the ones we can’t forget and those we read again, are those that draw us in and beg us to linger a while.

We may know there’s an HEA (happily-ever-after) if it’s a romance novel, but it’s the journey—how the characters arrive there—that twists our emotions and tugs our heartstrings.

To craft stories and breathe life into characters from the beloved region of my heritage is the ultimate thrill for me as an author. I leave a piece of me imprinted between those pages I’ve written. A piece I hope communicates as much passion for The Ozarks as well as the people who live (and love) there.

From the time I initially considered writing the books of my heart, I envisioned a series based loosely on my childhood hometown.

It’s a place that still evokes warm fuzzies and happy memories, and though not perfect, the town and the people who lived there created lasting impressions.

Some folks were gentle and soft spoken, while others were abrupt and a bit rough around the edges.

Some had simple dreams. Others lived vicariously through friends.

Many eventually endeared themselves to neighbors and strangers alike. We didn’t have to see eye-to-eye to appreciate individuality.

Ahh. Simpler times, yes.

Still, I’d like to think The Ozarks mirror a little piece of paradise, and perhaps, some of the best aspects of humanity.

Ours is a slower way of life, and possibly—in some backwoods areas—not as eloquent in speech, but we tend to be a friendly bunch and we’ve rarely met a stranger.

In The Shepherd of the Hills, Harold Bell Wright’s 1907 classic, we’re treated to a rare glimpse of what life used to be like in these old Ozark Mountains. Although the story’s a work of fiction, there’s an essence of truth to the mountain living lifestyle.

As I navigate this writing journey, I consider all the stories on The Ozarks’ horizon. Every region has them.

I hope I serve The Ozarks well with my words.

It’s how the artist imparts the story that sparks our imaginations and begs us to explore old ways through a new lens.

How does your work reflect your own writing journey?


Our best-loved stories imprint on our hearts, and some of our favorites may come from our own hometowns. How who we are influences our writing. @C_herronauthor #ACFWBlogs #writetip #critiques #ACFWCommunity Click To Tweet Stories are borne of our imaginations, but they may contain an essence of truth. Why this region endears itself to those who visit and those who live there. @C_herronauthor #ACFWBlogs #writetip #critiques #ACFWCommunity Click To Tweet

Cynthia Herron writes Heartfelt, Homespun Fiction from the beautiful Ozark Mountains. Her Faith Restored, book # 3 in her award-winning Welcome to Ruby series, releases 1-5-22. “Cindy” loves to connect with friends at her online home. She also hangs out on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram. Her work is represented by WordServe Literary.

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