by Nikki Arana
If you are struggling with your writing, continue reading . . .
People are always surprised to learn that I have sold everything I ever sent out. From that first magazine article in 2003 for Writers Digest, to my current novel, The Next Target. Yes, God was blessing my socks off and assuring me that He had called me to write. At least that’s what I thought . . . until 2008 when I began to write my fifth novel, The Shadow of Death.
Though my previous books had won many national awards, suddenly their sales were not so stellar in the slowing economy, and my once rising star began to dim. My agent found she couldn’t sell my manuscript. The topic, Muslims, engendered fear in some and disdain in others. In some cases, publishers offered a contract if I would write something else. But I knew the Lord had called me to write about the need for safe houses for Muslims in America who convert to Christianity. Many of you reading this know what I mean about feeling God has a call on your life. God has given you a story and a passion to write it. But nothing is coming together. At every turn a door closes. You now wonder if you have misunderstood Him.
It had been three years since I began writing The Shadow of Death. Offers had not come together, my income dwindled, I’d rewritten the book three times, I’d fought writers block, and yes, even despair. Always coming back to the one thing that could sustain me if only I was sure-was I truly called to write? Finally, through prayer and a willingness to be broken, the Lord led me to the truth.
I am not called to write. I am called to intimacy with Him. It is about letting your dreams die and being willing to live out His dreams for you. It is about spiritual growth that has nothing to do with the writing itself. It has to do with the journey. It has to do with sanctification, being set apart for His purposes, realizing that you are not meant to serve God, you are meant for God to serve man through you.
I no longer wonder if He has called me to write. I know He hasn’t. He hasn’t called me to do anything in my own strength. He has called me to intimacy with Him. Everything else is just the fruit of that relationship. It was the dawning of this life-giving truth that finally assured me about my writing, about God, His purpose, and His timing.
Seek Him and surrender the book He has put in your heart to Him. He will do the very thing that you think tests the limits of His power.
The Shadow of Death did sell after all! In His time, according to His plan. Oh, and one other thing, the publisher renamed the Shadow of Death . . . The Next Target!
Nikki Arana is an award-winning author of women’s fiction, poetry, and magazine articles whose work has been published in the United States and Canada. She has won several national awards, including the Carol Award for Women’s Fiction (twice), the Write Touch Readers Award and others. To learn more:
Comments 0
Thanks for your encouragement and honesty. But I’m nosy–what is this brokenness you had to go through that you speak of? Blessings!
WOW, Nikki … I SO needed to hear this, my friend!!
Your statement that, “I am not called to write. I am called to intimacy with Him” gave me goosebumps and made my heart leap at the same time!! YES, YES … seven times seven, YES!!!
Truly anointed blog. Thanks for the reminder. 🙂
Thank you for this beautiful encouragement.
Thanks, Nikki, for putting God-given writing skills into perspective. Although many scriptures support your comments, I’m reminded of one that helps me focus on my real task: “I will bless you . . . so that you will be a blessing.” Genesis 12:2
This is a beautiful thoughtful writing about intimacy with God. You have touched a chord in my life, as a writer, although never planning to be one. God worked through me to get the book written and published but it’s all about the journey! I continue on. Thank you for the inspiration and motivation. Thank you for the depth of heart and passion for God.
Keep on. Bloom on.
Thank you, Nikki, for “Seek Him and surrender the book He has put in your heart to Him. He will do the very thing that you think will test the very limits of His power.” I have written an historical fiction that is just such a book. As I wade through the additional revision requested by a literary agent, I’ll keep your words in mind.
Dear Nikki,
You have revealed a profound truth. We are not called to DO; we are called to BE. We are called to BE in relationship with the Father through Jesus Christ. Out of that BEING will flow our DOING.
To BE means to abide in Christ the Vine. As we abide in the Vine–in deep and intimate relationship with Him–we will bear the fruit He has ordained us to bear. Only that fruit which grows out of intimacy with Christ will nourish those who eat it.
Blessings, dear friend.
Harbourlight Books-December 2012
Thanks for sharing this, Nikki. Beautiful and encouraging. And helps me to refocus.