God’s Inspiration and The Butterfly Effect

ACFWACFW, Advice, Authors and writing, Encouragement, Faith, writing 5 Comments

By Darlene Corbett @darlenecorbett.com Remember the Butterfly Effect? For those who forgot or are unfamiliar with its origins, here’s a quick reprisal: In 1963, the scientist Edward Lorenz proposed a startling idea. He suggested that the slight movements of a butterfly’s wings could create tiny changes in the atmosphere, causing a greater impact later. Many scientists viewed this as outlandish, …

A Word Fitly Spoken

ACFWAdvice, Authors and writing, Critiques, Encouragement, writing 4 Comments

By E.V. Sparrow @evSparrow A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in a setting of silver. ~ Proverbs 25:11 (ESV) Through networking, I’ve witnessed some disturbing interactions among authors. Sometimes, these caused extreme discouragement for someone. I’m certain none of us wish to injure another’s soul and calling. Perhaps as authors or editors we’d say there are “wrong” …

It Can’t Be Right When It Feels So Wrong

ACFWACFW, Authors and writing, Critiques, Encouragement, Friends of ACFW, Perseverance, Procrastination, tips, writing 8 Comments

by Sarah Sundin @SarahSundin Chapter four nearly did me in. Chapters one through three flew as planned, and I knew chapters five and six were going to be exciting. But chapter four took me a full week to write. I’m a plotter, an outliner. Before I start my rough draft, I know what needs to happen in each scene. This …

Living the Story of America Rising

ACFWAuthors and writing, Encouragement, Faith, Friends of ACFW, writing 1 Comment

by Christine Sunderland @Chrisunderland As Christian storytellers, are we affecting our culture for good? Are we using the talents that God has given us? Are we making a difference? We live in an increasingly polarized culture, both national and international. As we watch civilization collapse around us, what part can we play and what responsibility do we own, for the …

CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW? A Rebel Writer’s Guide to Breaking the Rules of Writing

ACFWAdvice, Authors and writing, Characters, Encouragement, tips, writing 2 Comments

By Kathleen Y’Barbo Turner @KathleenYBarbo When my daughter was in kindergarten, her teacher asked the children to interview an adult about his or her job and come back to class the next day with a report on what they learned. Hannah grilled me about my job as a writer, and I answered her questions about how I constructed my stories. …

Writing During Hardship

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By Cynthia Herron @C_Herronauthor If I’d known several years ago the hardships I’d face before and after publication, I’m almost certain I would have thrown up my hands in immediate defeat. There’s a reason why God doesn’t allow us to see the future. Giving up before starting negates possibility. Never facing adversity doesn’t develop our mettle. Merely existing on this …

Plotter or “Pantser” – Is One Better than the Other?

ACFWAdvice, Authors and writing, Brainstorming, Friends of ACFW, Outlines, Plots, Plotting/Outlines, writing Leave a Comment

By Lori Domingo @LoriDomingo22 If someone had asked me that question a year ago, I would have proudly declared, “I’m a pantser. I never write from a plot outline. It’s too confining.” I had managed to complete one manuscript without it, and was hard-pressed when I was required to write one for one of my MA classes. It was something …