Comfort Food for Writers

ACFWAdvice, Agents, Authors and writing, business, Encouragement, Rejection, tips, writing 2 Comments

by Linda Glaz Okay, time to sit back and relax with your favorite coffee or tea and a handful of shortbread cookies (my guilty pleasure). I’ll do the same, and we can talk about you getting published. “Can you give me any hints and tips to get my foot in the door?” I’d be happy to. I receive numerous submissions …

The Story Equation

ACFWAuthors and writing, Brainstorming, Characters, Conflict/Tension, Learning, Organization, Plots, Story Structure, tips, writing 2 Comments

By Rachel Hauck I’ve been using Susan May Warren’s Story Equation (SEQ) for building characters and working out a high-level plot for over a decade. In our early days of writing, as Susie and I talked about our craft, she brought these principles to the table and created The Story Equation. To be clear, there are many good author tools. …

Small Things

ACFWACFW, Advice, Authors and writing, Deadlines, Encouragement, Faith, Time Management, writing 12 Comments

by Lisa Kelley @LisaKelleyWrite Sometimes, it can seem nearly impossible to find time to put words on the screen. If you have a full-time job like me, the hours you have to devote to writing may be few. Often, I set aside my vacation time as dedicated writing hours. Such was my plan this past December. I struggled last year …

Redemption Arcs

ACFWAdvice, Authors and writing, Characters, Encouragement, Friends of ACFW, Learning, Theme, tips, writing 7 Comments

By Diane E. Samson Do you find certain themes popping up in your work? In writing for young adults, themes such as self-discovery, love and acceptance often emerge from the pages. But my favorite is a good redemption story. No matter the genre, if there’s a lost character who finds his way, I’m all in. (I’m looking at you Ebenezer …

Engaging Book Clubs with Engaging Discussion Questions

ACFWAdvice, Authors and writing, Books, tips, writing 6 Comments

by Sarah Sundin @sarahsundin As readers, we delight in socializing with fellow book-lovers. As writers, we delight in connecting with readers. The continuing popularity of book clubs provides an opportunity for authors. By crafting engaging questions about your novel, you can help book clubs have amazing discussions that build community and love of story. Since I belonged to a book …

Gettysburg Revisited

ACFWAuthors and writing, Encouragement, tips, writing 5 Comments

by Jenny Powell MD Despite the legend that Abraham Lincoln procrastinated and scribbled his most famous speech while on the train headed to the Gettysburg battlefield, the original copies are in his careful script. Lincoln thoroughly thought out his speeches and would not have rattled this particular one off the cuff, as is suggested. He knew how important this speech …

A Writer’s Perspective on the Benefits of Chaos, Bedlam and Scandal

ACFWACFW, Advice, Authors and writing, Characters, Conflict/Tension, tips, writing 9 Comments

By Roxanne Hicks When a younger writer, I hesitated to plunge my characters into perilous events. Like a doting mother, I dressed everyone in clean clothing and admonished them to stay out of the mud. Scandalous outings, unscrupulous friends, and disgusting habits were a taboo. A writing coach asked me, “Where is the excitement or conflict in your story if …

Why Hospitality Toward Our Readers Should be on Our List of New Year’s Resolutions

ACFWACFW, Advice, Authors and writing, Encouragement, Faith, Friends of ACFW, Readers, Reading, tips, writing 3 Comments

by Donna Wichelman @DonnaWichelman Several years ago, while listening to a webinar hosted by Thomas Umstattd, Jr., he made a statement that impressed me and motivated me to write two questions on a Post-It note that still hangs on my computer monitor today. How do you throw a banquet for your readers? How do you serve them if you don’t …

REST in Your Writing

ACFWAdvice, Authors and writing, Encouragement, Faith, Friends of ACFW, tips, writing, writing 21 Comments

by Susan Lyttek @SusanLyttek Today, as this posts, is my birthday. As with most of us, even if I vow not to, I compare the current me to the me of a year ago. Did I accomplish what I planned? (absolutely never) Did I grow closer to God and family? (almost always) Do I like the person I’m becoming? (never …