ACFW Conference Prayer: Day 13

ACFWACFW, Conference, Prayer Leave a Comment

Day 13 – 8/24

Please join us in today’s prayer, written by a member of ACFW’s Forty Days of Prayer team.

Day 13 (counting down to Day 1):

Scripture: Romans 12:15a–Rejoice with those who rejoice . . .



Fill us all with your joy, all who will be together in body and all who will be holding the conference in their thoughts. Grant us your unselfish love for one another, so that we can share in the beauty of writing for your glory. Help us all to remember that every one of us who publishes is a part of our mutual dream of advancing your kingdom in the world. Make us all one in this goal, Lord, thinking not of ourselves but of your perfect plan for all of us.  We thank you for the privilege and the delight of using this creative power that is still only a pale reflection of the amazing creation you first gave to us. We thank you for the way our writing works in our own hearts, and for your wisdom in choosing whose words will go out to the right people at the right time.

Lord, please also keep in our thoughts those of us who are rejoicing in other aspects of our lives: in weddings, births, new jobs, old friendships, revived marriages. Let the joy of our sisters and brothers in Christ lift us up and remind us of the final joy that will come in the morning, no matter what happens in the darker times. We rejoice in your goodness and your lovingkindness, and we ask these things in the name of your Son. Amen.

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