ACFW Conference Prayer: Day 12

ACFWACFW, Conference, Prayer Leave a Comment

Day 12 – 8/25

Please join us in today’s prayer, written by a member of ACFW’s Forty Days of Prayer team.

Day 12 (counting down to Day 1):

Topic: That we mourn for those who mourn

Scripture: Romans 12:15b– . . . and weep with those who weep


Father, you have promised that those who mourn will be comforted.

Our prayer today is that those who have sorrow and tribulation during the conference will be comforted by your great arms of love. We pray that whatever disappointments may come, we know you are still on your throne and You are still in control. May we be sensitive to the feelings and needs of others as we hurry about our own business and be encouragers to each other.

Let us lift each other in prayer and support throughout the days of the conference and may your name be glorified in all that we undertake.

In Your precious Son’s name we pray, Amen.

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