Forty Days of Prayer – Day 5

Pam MeyersUncategorized Leave a Comment

The Operating Board and Advisory Board, along with other volunteers and some attendees, will be traveling to Dallas prior to Wednesday and Thursday when the majority of attendees will be in route. Please hold this prayer for traveling mercies up to our Gracious Father throughout this coming week. Day 5–Travel safety Psa. 121:3b-4–He who keeps you will not slumber. Behold, …

Conference Tips: Surrounded by Cyber-Friends

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For some of us, conferences blur from one year to another. It’s hard to remember every one we’ve met, even a year ago, even someone we sat next to at dinner. For the first three times I saw Kristin Billerbeck, I introduced myself. Finally, she kindly said, “I know.” So, as you prepare for the conference, understand that people you …

Forty Days of Prayer – Day 6

Pam MeyersUncategorized Leave a Comment

Day 6–Health for those attending Psa. 143:8a–Let me hear Your lovingkindness in the morning; for I trust in You. Our Father in heaven, Holy Holy Holy is your name. Thank you that you care about every detail of our lives and that you tell us we can bring any need and request to you in prayer. Today Lord we ask …

Conference Tips: Finding God and Friends

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This is for those who are new to ACFW conferences and those who are teetering on the edge of decision. To go or not to go. Go. I urge you. If you signed up, you will be forever glad that you did. This will be my fourth ACFW conference (the only kind I’ve ever gone to) and I have “take-away” …

Forty Days of Prayer – Day 7

Pam MeyersUncategorized Leave a Comment

Day 7–Health for those teaching during the conference Psa. 139:14a–I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Lord, we thank You for the opportunity these people have of teaching others how to write for You. We ask specifically that you would place a hedge around them and keep Satan away from the area of their …

Conference Tip: to Pitch or Not to Pitch????

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€ Don’t feel you are “wasting” your conference experience if you don’t have a manuscript ready to pitch. The ACFW conference is worth every penny of the conference fee simply for the wonderful continuing sessions, workshops and late night chats. Add in the incredible keynote speakers, not to mention food and entertainment, and you’ll see that there’s much to be …

Forty Days of Prayer – Day 8

Pam MeyersUncategorized Leave a Comment

Day 8–For smooth registration The desk in this picture may look empty now, but one week from tomorrow registration volunteers and excited conference attendees will fill the space. Let’s remember the registration process in prayer! Rom. 8:28–And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according …

Conference Tip: New Friends Galore

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€ One of the most precious aspects of the conference is the friendships made or renewed. There is such comfort in discovering like-minded people, and realizing that you’re not alone in this journey to publication! There are others who have walked the road you’re walking, and they are willing to come alongside and show you the way. So many of …

Forty Days of Prayer – Day 9

Pam MeyersUncategorized Leave a Comment

Day 9–Wanda Dyson as she finalizes appointments Psa. 141:2–May my prayer be counted as incense before You; the lifting of my hands as the evening offering. Heavenly Father, Please bless Wanda Dyson, as she coordinates and finalizes conference appointments. Give her strength and clarity of mind. May her contribution be a fragrant incense before you. I ask that her actions …

Pam MeyersUncategorized Leave a Comment

Day 10–The families we leave at home Rom. 8:26-27–In the same way the Spirit also helps our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words; and He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He intercedes for …