Social Engagements

ACFWAdvice, Friends of ACFW, Social Media, tips Leave a Comment

By: Suzanne Kuhn, SuzyQ I often receive feedback from friends — those I know me both in real life and only through social media — about how much they have enjoyed getting to know me through my social media. I recently asked this question on my personal Facebook page: “Name one thing that you know about me solely because of …

One Person Can Make a Difference

ACFWAdvice, Encouragement, Friends of ACFW Leave a Comment

by Ian Acheson We all can make a difference When was the last time you heard a message and thought the speaker was directing it specifically to you? It’s like you’re the only person in the auditorium, an audience of one. I experienced that sensation recently at church when a visiting pastor from the UK spoke. His message didn’t really …

Accepting the Fog

ACFWAdvice, Encouragement, Friends of ACFW Leave a Comment

By Donna Benson My husband and I are long haul truckers and write in my down time. In our recent travels, we’ve encountered fog in many areas around the country. It’s not pleasant to drive through this heavy mist, because it obscures your vision. We can’t see the scenery or traffic ahead. Year after year, many are hurt in auto …

Joy Before the Blessing

ACFWAdvice, Encouragement, Friends of ACFW Leave a Comment

by Melissa Tagg I’ve often admired Samuel’s mom in the Bible. (I’m talking Samuel the “Here I am, Lord, send me” guy.) She stops eating…she weeps…she prays…she makes a vow to God. And when God blesses her with the son she asked for, she keeps her vow. But I recently reread the first chapter of 1 Samuel and I noticed …