Mismatched in the Yoke

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by E.V. Sparrow

With all the social media ads, gurus, and writing organizations flashing their beacons before us every time we do searches on any platform, how do we choose which ones are good for us as authors?

Instead of flashing neon words telling us things like, “Stop here, we promise you success, or we love all authors, and will help you be the best,” we can use a wisdom type mindset for direction in the yoking of our calling and working with others.

What could be a safe, effective, and clear strategy for Christian writers to follow? Proverbs and other Scripture verses are God-given guardrails for our writing journeys. Apply the “if you do this, then this will happen” strategy. It’s clear, without guesswork involved. Is it 100 percent accurate for authors? I’m unsure, but it’s at minimum God’s voice in the tangled jungle of secular promises.

Recently, my path crossed with a few Christian authors wounded by some secular author organization and critique groups. Because of a query letter a Christian author had submitted to a secular group, they verbally assaulted her for a Biblical subject. I responded:

I couldn’t ignore your email and not address the hurtful words of others. God called you, not them, to write about this subject (of Pharoah’s hard heart).

He set you aside for His purposes. Remember, as you hear harsh words from the world, they are not for us—they are against us.

Do we know without doubt who is for us, and who is against us? This is crucial wisdom to help us navigate the neon signs. Here’s some of what Scripture spells out about whom to yoke with:

Mark 9:40, “For the one who is not against us is for us.”

Matthew 12:30, ‘The one who is not with Me is against Me; and the one who does not gather with Me scatters.”

Luke 9:50, “But Jesus said to him, ‘Do not hinder him; for the one who is not against you is for you.’”

John 16:33, “These things I have spoken to you so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.”

Romans 8:31, “What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who is against us?”

2 Corinthians 6:14, “Do not be mismatched with unbelievers; for what do righteousness and lawlessness share together, or what does light have in common with the darkness?”

All verses (NASB2020)

What is a secure path for us? To those who desire to crossover into the secular world of writing books, and not remain in Christian publishing, God’s word gives advance notice of the risks involved in our yoking choices. To those who wish to be authors in the Christian world, He gives a warning of whom to link with and who to not, to avoid unnecessary heartache and conflict.

E.V. Sparrow Do we know without doubt who is for us, and who is against us? @evSparrow #ACFWBlogs #writetip #critiques #ACFWCommunity Share on X

E.V. Sparrow recently signed a three-book contract with Celebrate Lit Publishing. She has fourteen anthologized stories, and placed second in the Inspire Writers Flash Fiction contest.

Sparrow has ministered on prayer, worship, and mission teams, traveled in nineteen countries, lived on an Israeli kibbutz, and hopped a freight train.



Comments 13

  1. Very thoughtful, Spirit-led, and encouraging response to your author friend.

    I never thought to apply those Scriptures to who we invite into our writing world.

  2. You found the perfect rebuttal using God’s truths through Scriptures found in His Holy Bible. Great wisdom to remind your fellow Christians who is on our side always!

    1. Thank you, Casey. I was aiming for that, and to remind ourselves what we may encounter when we crossover into the world of writing where we aren’t with the like-minded. If we know what might happen, their opinions won’t demolish our calling.

  3. Such incredible encouragement to Christian authors! We are called, even into adversity. We are covered by the Spirit in the face of hardship. Thank you for your authentic and uplifting article to spur us on!

    1. Yes, we are often in adversity. I loved that you said, “We are covered by the Spirit in the face of hardship.” Truth cuts both ways, into us and the other person. But we know Whom we love and serve brings everything into His rightness for our good.

  4. Gracious and honest truths based on God’s Word you’ve written here E.V.! Thanks for the reminder that we can apply this other areas of life as well.

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