Four Approaches to Character Names

ACFWAdvice, Characters, Friends of ACFW, tips 1 Comment

by Christa Kinde

Whenever I’m invited to talk about the Threshold Series, one question keeps cropping up. How do you pick names for your characters? While it might sound like I’m dodging the question, the honest answer is … it depends! I don’t have one set rule. But I do have four different approaches. I’ll even throw in some bonus tips at the end.

  1. Your name is your reputation.

Sometimes, I choose a character’s name because I want to give the reader a hook. The obvious example from the Threshold series is my protagonist, Prissie Pomeroy. She always wears dresses. She has excellent posture. She corrects her brothers’ grammar. In a word, Prissie is … prissy! Tying your character’s name to a fundamental personality trait can help your reader remember who’s who. This approach happens to be a classic, employed by authors like Charles Dickens and Nathaniel Hawthorne.

  1. Names can have deeper meanings.

I find word origins fascinating, so I’ll often choose a name because of its meaning. And by often, I mean most of the time. For instance, Pomeroy means “apple orchard,” and Prissie’s family lives on one. Milo Leggett is one of the series’ angels; his day job is local mailman extraordinaire. So it’s entirely appropriate that Milo means “cheerful,” and Leggett means “messenger.” Researching the meanings behind names can help you find one that suits your character right down to the twinkle in his eyes.

  1. Blending in can be a good thing.

In many cases, I’ll pick a name because it’s ordinary. I don’t know about you, but when I was in grade school, three girls in my class were named Jenny. To keep them straight, the teacher referred to them as Jennifer, Jenny, and Jen. So when it came time to name Prissie’s girlfriends from school, I tossed a Jennifer into the mix. Simply because I consider it commonplace. If your story is set in a specific time and place, dig a little. Find out what’s normal. Naming trends are your friends, and every place has them.

  1. They’re my characters, not my kids.

I was one of those little girls who kept a list of names that I planned to bestow on my children one day. Looking back, inflicted may have been a better word. When it comes to my characters, I regularly pick names I don’t care for. On purpose. For instance, I’m not all that fond of “Jayce” or “Ransom.” But Prissie’s dad’s a gem of a guy, and Ransom’s all kinds of fun to write. I don’t hold their names against them. By the same token, I didn’t name Naomi Pomeroy’s children. She did. So their names hold special meaning to her and Jayce. Not to me.

Once in a while, I’ll wish I could take back a character’s name, but that rarely works out. Names stick. And that means I’m stuck. In the Threshold Series, I have a Nell and a Neil in the same household. Their names are so easy to mix up at a glance. Also, I have a pair of guardian angels whose names both start with “T.” I recommend making things easier on your readers.

Every story has its own ambiance, and details definitely add oomph. Names are inherently personal, so you’ll have to deal with them on a case-by-case basis. Your characters will let you know if they’re willing to live with a name. And even if they’re less-than-thrilled with whatever you inflict, you’ll know if you’ve found a good fit. Because it’ll stick. And they’ll be stuck.

Bonus Tips:

  • Choose something your audience can pronounce. (People often ask me how to say Tamaes)
  • Remember family ties. (Prissie’s middle name is her great-grandmother’s first name)
  • Mix up how many syllables are in names. (Pearl, Derrick, and Amberly Matthews)
  • Pick names with appropriate meanings. (Taweel means “tall,” Koji means “friend”)
  • For better or for worse, nicknames happen. (Miss Priss, Goldilocks, Uncle Lou)
  • Names can be tied to idiosyncrasies. (Myron Baird prefers to be called by his last name)
  • Introduce a “rule” for certain names. (All yahavim have four-letter names that end in “i”)
  • Make room for classics. (Paul, Naomi, Peter)
  • Chase era-appropriate fads (Gavin), but also toss in throw-backs. (Margery)
How do I pick character names? The honest answer is…it depends! I don’t have one set rule. But I do have four approaches. #ACFWBlogs @ChristaKinde Share on X

Christa Kinde writes studies, stories, and devotionals that bring truth into focus and give faith a practical spin. Her angel-filled Threshold series is complete in four volumes from Zonderkidz. She also publishes family-friendly fantasy under her maiden name, C.J. Milbrandt. More at and








Comments 1

  1. Great advice! I love coming up with character names. Remembering a character’s family history is a great way to build names that make sense within that fictional family.

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